Asking Doctor/Research Anons
Brought this up last bread.
Covid-19 causing oxygen distress not relieved by ventilators because it is not a bronchial/lung issue.
There is a lack of oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and exhibits accompanying blood clot formations.
Blood Clots caused by bacteria ? or Virus triggering similar effect ?
"coagulation required the secretion of zinc metalloprotease InhA1" (see sauce below from 2011 study)
Hydroxycholoroquine enhances zinc uptake, prevents viral cell penetration, however the protocol needs Azithromycin to truly heal and recover.
So my question is what is being triggered to explode in the body that needs an anti-microbial mycin ?
What I do know is that the mycins are indiscriminate..killing off bacteria bad and good, especially in the blood and gut. AZyth.. more effective in bloodstream.
What is not being investigated or followed up on ?
excerpt from above sauce link:
Coagulation can occur if enough proteases that activate coagulation accumulate near the bacteria, rather than diffuse away.
This research used Bacillus anthracis, the anthrax-causing pathogen (using a safe strain that does not infect humans).
It found that in the case of human blood, coagulation required the secretion of zinc metalloprotease InhA1,
which activated prothrombin and factor X directly—not via factor XII or tissue-factor pathways.
"We refer to this mechanism as 'quorum acting' to distinguish it from quorum sensing,
in which bacteria coordinate certain actions based, in part, on their density,"
said Wei-Jen Tang, Professor at the Ben-May Department for Cancer Research.