Then they need to fill it with nails next.
we cannot have people disobeying the government.
who do we think we are?
Then they need to fill it with nails next.
we cannot have people disobeying the government.
who do we think we are?
everyone bought toilet paper is all it means
close to Antarctica
>as a suspected Chinese vessel drills for oil.
Why is everyone still looking for oil if we are going to free energy pretty soon?
and Trump refilling/expanding the reserve?
can I self identify as a holohoax survivor?
We (and I speak for everyone on this board) like Mitch when he supports POTUS
but him and his wife are as crooked as the rest of them
Why did Thomas Jefferson send the US Marines after them then?
before there was oil they were pirates
before this is all over and maybe already happened, harvard will be linked to human trafficking and everything will be confiscated.