vatican/jesuit bs is a slide. Are there pedo rings in the church? Yes. Does this mean the church top down is evil? No.
Now who benefits from shitting on the Church?
Possibly JOHN PODESTA and friends who BANKROLLED SCHISMATIC CATHOLIC GROUPS in order to destabilize teaching.
It is obviously the jews, the same that control your boogeymen societies; it goes up to those bloodlines families like the Roths etc. Jews hate Christ and thus Catholics more than anything. It's a war on truth.
Saving the best for last.
sub jews for Israel if that makes you more comfortable. Their Mossad is responsible for large swaths of US corruption
>oh look a Q post about how MOS controls our media and political actors.
HOW? Fucking Epstein honeypots; don't forget ((who)) he was working for.