Digits confirm Hitler is the final Q-plan solution.
TFW you believe q-bait
get with the times retards, /pol/ knew it had bird shit spliced in feb and can fully prove it's engineered.
you're getting raided because you are cancer to 8k and cause faggotry like banning loli (even I don't care for loli but it's a canary for imageboard freedom of speech) after whinging about it to jim/ron.
Go to cuckchan/reddit/whatever. Don't destroy imageboards you faggots.
Hitler died in old age in South America. Any glownigger worth their salt knows this too.
I'm not attacking or organizing anything. Just here watching and telling you what is going on looking at both sides.
Considering how scared most of you are of digging into truth about NSDAP Germany, you are not worthy of imageboards.
This. Jews control Media, Finance and banking. Rothschilds are jews and the money system is managed and created by them, you pay taxes to them, they own IMF/IRS/whatever your tax authority is called locally/World bank.
But if you say that, you are a nadzeee!!! oy vey!!
>hitler was controlled op by the jews
Yes that's why National Socialist groups are banned in so many countries, why the holohoax is illegal to debate in 13 countries and why Hitler seized assets of the biggest jew bankster family in the world while naming them on a daily basis?