Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8899409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

40 minutes. Some real data, real science, and yes some statistics and some statistical errors unveiled.

Coronavirus: Debunking The Hydroxychloroquine 'Controversy' (Dr. Chris Martenson)

There sure has been a lot of recent press about how ineffective hydroxychloroquine is proving to be. That's a real letdown given how promising it was thought to be.


But are the headlines true?


To answer that, Chris pulls up the original VA study all of the recent headlines are referencing. Well, it turns out, it's based on quite poor "science"


For example, it wasn't randomized; by its own admission, hydroxychloroquine was given to sicker patients, closer to death, when we know HCQ works best when given early on. And zinc, a key component to its efficacy, wasn't administered. Nor was azithromycin in a number of cases.


Right now, the "HCQ shows no benefit" claim appears more an intentional narrative than a science-backed finding. In fact, there is growing empirical evidence, notably in France and Costa Rica, that it can work amazingly well when applied under the right conditions.


For now, it seems we remain best served by keeping our eyes open and doing our own investigation versus relying on the media is telling us.


To that end, Peak Prosperity will keep up our efforts and continue producing these videos for as long as needed.


Key your own mind sharp, research and think before taking action, and ask questions in the Comments section below if you'd like to tap the PP tribe's expertise.


Oh, and as always, keep working on your garden:

Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.8899472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0146

POTUS keeps mentioning that the WhiteHouse is working round the clock

He drops that in every press conference and I don't think he is exagerrating.

I think he is asking us to dig, and this is what I found.

Note, that it is more than just breaking up your sleep schedule but also about keeping alert and healthy even though you have less total hours of sleep.


The Uberman's Sleep Schedule

The idea behind the Uberman's Sleep Schedule is to gain waking hours by sleeping the total of just 3 hours in 6 portions distributed equally throughout the day. There are many variants of the scheme proposed by those who tried to sleep along the schedule. The schedule is supposed to compress physiologically less important stages of sleep and homeostatically upregulate stages vital for mental health.


The Uberman's Sleep Schedule was proposed in this blog at Everything2. The blog reported a sleep experiment with an innocent ending: the admission that the Uberman schedule was incompatible with the experimenter's schedule and goals. Yet the meme was picked up in a Kuro5hin article in 2002. Phrased in a simple and well-structured language, this time it was noticed. Again, the post ended with "Uberman's sleep schedule is a potentially dangerous way to increase your waking hours". That did not prevent a frenzy of new followers ready to gain years of waking time. The catchy theme of the concept is that, indeed, if you succeeded in sleeping 3 hours per day instead of the prescribed 8, starting at 20 years of age, you would gain over 11 years in an average Western lifespan. The idea is very attractive. No wonder then that as such it seems to be gaining momentum.


Polyphasic sleep

More and more frequently, Uberman's Sleep Schedule was being referred to as polyphasic sleep (the term popularized by research and book by an Italian chronobiologist Dr. Claudio Stampi).


Polyphasic sleep is known to sleep researchers as a variant of a sleep pattern that is set in opposition to monophasic sleep. In monophasic sleep, an individual or an animal sleeps in a single block during a single wake-sleep cycle of 24 hours. Polyphasic sleep is also set apart from a biphasic sleep in which there are two blocks of sleep in 24 hours, i.e. the night sleep and the typical Latin siesta - the "6th hour nap".


Polyphasic sleep is quite widespread in animal kingdom. In a recapitulation of phylogeny, human babies also sleep polyphasically, and gradually lose their nap slots until they become roughly biphasic around the age of one. Human adults, as much as all great apes, are largely biphasic. Although a majority of westerners do not nap on a regular basis their alertness shows a slump in alertness in the middle of the subjective day. This slump can consolidate in a short block of sleep in free-running conditions.


The theory behind the Uberman's Sleep Schedule is that with some effort, we can entrain our brain to sleep along the ancient polyphasic cycle and gain lots of waking time on the way, mostly by shedding the lesser important stages of sleep (e.g. shortening Stage 1 of NREM, which seems to be just a transition state to the more "useful" stages of slow wave sleep).

Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.8899533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Julian Assange allowed to enter the USA


(vi) any alien whose entry would further important United States law enforcement objectives, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees, based on a recommendation of the Attorney General or his designee;

Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.8899590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9638 >>9660



The wikileaks stuff was all dumped years ago

It hasn't changed

And I believe that it is the rogue CIA who have been in control of Wikileaks

Since around the time Julian Assange was charged with trumped up sex crimes


There are far better places to dig.

Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.8899610   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yet another Globalist agency

Puts up their hands and admits

That they are SHILLS for the Cabal

And all they care about is getting more money to embezzle.


Remember when Q told us

Follow the money

Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.8899646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9652 >>9677 >>9696



I'm not sure that riding the attacks out does any good.

Ignore the attacks

Pick a topic and keep digging

Spend most of your time OFF THE BOARD digging for info and connections

Come back here whenever you have some interesting bits to share


Many of us Anons have learned the skill of ignoring shills

And picking up gems of good info among the garbage

So just don't worry about the board

Find info and share it

The goal is to help all the people to WAKE UP

For that we need good info

So that we can formulate the right red pill questions

Ask the Q

Once you know it will lead others to deeper truths.

Our job is to write red pill questions

Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.8899741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9818



No it isn't!!!


The best thing that we have is RED PILL QUESTIONS that we can ask our liberal friends

Something that they cannot reject

But will nag away at them

Until they figure it out and come to us

With some amazing revelation that we already know



No matter how great it is

The only way to get red pilled is to go through the same process

That each and every one of us has gone through

And usually it starts with a discrepancy in the mainstream storyline.

Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.8899793   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The truth will NEVER be told to us. That is not the way truth works

You simply cannot trust anyone other than God

And God's voice, or God's communication, is something that you find deep within your being

Through prayer.

Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.8899870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0023 >>0038



You should be paying more attention to POTUS daily pressers


We are not fighting any China virus.

He specifically says that we are fighting THE INVISIBLE ENEMY

Do not assume that you know which invisible enemy he is talking about

If you look at the data and the stats, the Coronavirus doesn't look like much of an enemy.

Also, the military came on one day and said that in addition to the invisible enemy

They are waging an all out war on the Drug Cartels.


All that stuff about virus and vaccines is mostly just distraction

A little bit of drama to keep people focused on the real work

Stay home. Learn. Think. Communicate with your neighbors and relatives.

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay calm.


Anonymous ID: 9802da April 23, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.8899942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0030


People like you are part of the problem

You divide the world into libtards and your friends

You think you are awake but you are still sleeping.

In the end we will find that the 4-6% who are lost forever

Will be people like you.


Means that there are no libtards

Only fellow citizens

And it is our job to love our neighbors


To help them find understanding

We must be the helpers

And that means that we must find in ourselves

Compassion, patience and love

And the right Q's so that we can Ask the Q that opens minds

For everyone, the Q will be different

It will often be a small discrepancy in the mainstream narrative