Anonymous ID: ce0292 April 23, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.8899640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9649 >>9667 >>9691 >>9701 >>9716 >>9814 >>9835 >>9923 >>9957 >>0046


Since one of the stated reasons for fungus' raid this morning was to push threads off the catalog, I checked to make sure General threads were being archived offsite. THEY WERE NOT.


All of the General threads as well as the nation-specific and other useful threads have been archived. MasterArchvist had been archiving every thread and putting it all on his website (a monumental task, extremely helpful and a vital resource) |

but was MIA for a while, which is why I created that supplement.

This information was put on the 2nd tab of the main spreadsheet, ARCHIVES Supplemental to MA.


We had corresponded and I thought he was going to take it up again, but I'm not sure what's going on, just that threads on the catalog were not archived offsite already (except ones Q posted in, which I archive immediately). This explains the gigantic gap in the Supplemental archives tab.


So, threads #11223 - #11390 that were on the catalog this morning have been safely archived and logged.

Anonymous ID: ce0292 April 23, 2020, 1:09 p.m. No.8899752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9796 >>9825 >>9923


Oldfags still around, it's sad to see reaction versus thought and investigation. It's the difference from actually lurking 2 years to not at all.



> archives everything does it not?

No, it does not. It is not reliable and also only saves thumbnails. Having learned early on the benefit of off-site archives, the lesson really hit home when 8ch was off - how to get to all those lovely archives when the site is down?


Multiple redundant copies are a good idea, especially if one person who usually does it, doesn't do it for whatever reason (I hope MA is okay…). Another can step in and fill the gap. One of the reasons why is better than or all the aggregator sites is because it automatically makes a file zip you can download, which is included on MA's site and the supplement on the spreadsheet, so Patriots can archive offline, like Q asked us to do.


I am incredibly grateful for all anons who pitch in, in whatever way. This team is made of incredible people who donate time, attention, energy and even their own money for no recognition, glory, fame or remuneration. The variations of how anons contribute is constantly humbling to me - and I want each of you to know that you are deeply appreciated and it is an honor to work for and with you.





Anonymous ID: ce0292 April 23, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.8899796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9938



Want to rephrase something that did not appear how I intended it:

>why is better than or all the aggregator sites

Should be:

why is better than ~~or~~ in addition to all the aggregator sites

The scraper/aggregator sites are also invluable resources and are very much appreciated. I did not mean it to appear that I think they are not!

Anonymous ID: ce0292 April 23, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.8899899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9951


He's been going on about Baker's Union and posting loli, and he has a few idiots he plays with (plus some crude bots) and it was quite coordinated.


>Monumental task archiving.

It really is. I'm not sure people realize how prolific this board (and previous ones) really is. It's for history, so the more redundant copies, the more we can ensure that fakery is minimized.

Anonymous ID: ce0292 April 23, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.8900071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How archive sites are financed is part of the Gutenberg Project with a lot of grants and donations (which resolves to any number of suffixes like .fo) is part of a University project, there is information on each site about how they work.


I do not have any personal knowledge about our own scraper/aggregator sites. Toward the beginning qcodefag made a script to scrape Q's posts and it was on github but they kicked him off b/c that is only for testing and it was using YUGE bandwidth, so he make his own site with the same script but no frills like the ones that came later. I don't know how sites like and the others are financed. I haven't seen any ads (but I have multiple adblockers) and I don't know if their apps are free.


I wish I could help more but that's all I know.

Anonymous ID: ce0292 April 23, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.8900152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TY for understanding.


Excellent capture - also archived :)


Those who are not new have seen this repeatedly - some dumb shit is posted, then a raid and it's interspersed with artificial enthusiasm for the truly retarded shit they posted.

>shills don't want us talkin 'bout flat erff!