Anonymous ID: 4951ee April 23, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.8900342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0389 >>0622 >>0715 >>0843 >>0874

Former NSC Chief Of Staff: John Brennan Buried Evidence That Putin Actually Favored Hillary In 2016


Former CIA officer and National Security Council Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz said Wednesday that former CIA Director John Brennan ignored intelligence that Russian President Vladimir Putin actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win the the 2016 presidential election. Fleitz called Brennan “the most politicized intelligence chief in American history” in a Fox News op ed that addressed a report released Tuesday from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. That document supports the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election to promote the victory of then-candidate Donald Trump. The committee released the document in a highly edited form that does not include any reference to recently declassified files that point to a possible Russian disinformation campaign that attempted to malign Trump.


Fleitz notes that the Senate report directly contradicts the March 2018 findings of the House Intelligence Committee, which accused the intelligence community assessment of being tainted by anti-Trump forces.


While recognizing that “the political establishment and anti-Trump journalists gloated about the new Senate Intelligence Committee report as bolstering their biases,” Fleitz contends the committee did not follow proper procedures in their investigation and based their conclusions on too few intelligence sources — and too much on the potentially tainted observations of the CIA. “The Senate Intelligence Committee report falsely claims that ‘all analytical lines are supported with all-source intelligence’ and that analysts who wrote the intelligence community assessment consistently said they ‘were under no politically motivated pressure to reach specific conclusions.’” Fleitz says House Intelligence Committee staff members discovered exactly the opposite and told him that there is ample evidence that Russia may have interfered in the 2016 election, but not necessarily on behalf of Trump. “More gravely, they said that [then-] CIA Director John Brennan suppressed facts or analysis that showed why it was not in Russia’s interests to support Trump and why Putin stood to benefit from Hillary Clinton’s election. They also told me that Brennan suppressed that intelligence over the objections of CIA analysts.”


The former NSC chief of staff further stated that “Brennan suppressed high-quality intelligence suggesting that Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election.” Fleitz suggested that Brennan relied upon “low-quality intelligence that failed to meet intelligence community standards to support the political claim that Russian officials wanted Trump to win … ”

Anonymous ID: 4951ee April 23, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.8900460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0481

Miami Beach Police Department releases photos, body cam video in Andrew Gillum incident


The Miami Beach Police Department released photos and videos taken the night former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum was found inside a South Beach hotel room with a reputed male escort and suspected methamphetamine. None of the photos or videos, however, appeared to show a clear image of Gillum, the 2018 Democratic nominee for Florida governor who bowed out of public life, at least temporarily, after the scandal broke last month. The department released the materials Wednesday in response to public records requests from the Tallahassee Democrat and other news outlets. The department said it redacted some video footage it considered exempt under Florida public records laws.


The materials include photos taken inside the hotel room — which circulated online weeks ago after a British tabloid got hold of them — police body camera videos, 911 recordings and previously released incident reports. The photos and video were taken early the morning of March 13, after police and paramedics were called to the high-rise hotel in response to a reported overdose. Police found Gillum in Room 1107 with two men: Travis Dyson, the reputed escort, and Aldo Mejias, a self-described Gillum friend who paid for the room, according to police reports. When officers arrived, paramedics were treating Dyson for an overdose. Gillum was too inebriated to speak, though he later appeared fine and left the hotel without incident, according to police reports.


One of the photos shows pills and pill bottles strewn about the bedroom along with a plastic baggie containing a white substance, an empty beer bottle and what appears to be a blood pressure machine, perhaps brought by paramedics. Other photos show stained sheets and towels and more plastic baggies and pill bottles but no images of Gillum, Dyson or Mejias. The Police Department blurred and muted video footage taken inside the hotel room, making it unclear who is in the frame or what exactly is happening. One video, however, shows a detective asking permission to search the room from Mejias, who consented. Ernesto Rodriguez, spokesman for Miami Beach Police, said the department redacted footage taken inside the hotel room, which he said “a reasonable person would expect to be private.” Such videos are exempt under state statutes, he noted.

Anonymous ID: 4951ee April 23, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.8900481   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Rest of the story here:


Miami Beach Police Department releases photos, body cam video in Andrew Gillum incident

Anonymous ID: 4951ee April 23, 2020, 2:35 p.m. No.8900672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0856 >>0874

In win for Trump, U.S. Supreme Court makes deporting immigrants for crimes easier


(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier for federal authorities to deport certain immigrants who have committed crimes in a victory for President Donald Trump’s administration. The court ruled 5-4 to uphold a lower court decision that found a legal permanent resident from Jamaica named Andre Martello Barton ineligible to have his deportation canceled under a U.S. law that lets some longtime legal residents avoid expulsion. The conservative justices were in the majority, with the liberal justices dissenting. Barton, a 42-year-old car repair shop manager and father of four, was targeted for deportation after criminal convictions in Georgia for drug and gun crimes.


The decision could affect thousands of immigrants with criminal convictions - many for minor offenses - who reside legally in the United States. There are more than 13 million legal U.S. permanent residents, also known as “green card” holders, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Glenn Fogle, an attorney for Barton, called the ruling “extremely disappointing” and expressed concern for his client, who has already been sent back to Jamaica. “My heart goes out to Mr. Barton and his family as he is now effectively barred from ever rejoining them in the United States,” Fogle said.


The Trump administration argued against Barton’s bid to avoid deportation. Trump’s hardline stance on both legal and illegal immigration has been a key feature of his presidency and his 2020 re-election campaign. He has justified his immigration crackdown in part by citing crimes committed by immigrants. Permanent residents selected for deportation may apply to have their removal canceled if they have been living continuously in the United States for at least seven years, except if they have committed certain serious felonies.


At issue in the case was the meaning of a 1996 change - known as the “stop-time rule” - in U.S. immigration law. This provision disqualifies immigrants who commit certain crimes from this discretionary benefit by stopping the clock on their period of continuous residency. The federal government had said the rule was triggered in Barton’s case because his assault charge would bar his admission into the country, even though as of 1996 he had resided in the United States too long to be declared deportable for that crime.


Barton argued that he could not be found inadmissible because he had already been lawfully admitted. While noting that deporting a permanent resident is a “wrenching process,” conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh, writing for the majority on Thursday, disagreed. “Removal is particularly difficult when it involves someone such as Barton who has spent most of his life in the United States,” wrote Kavanaugh, appointed to the court by Trump in 2018. “Congress made a choice, however, to authorize removal of noncitizens - even lawful permanent residents - who have committed certain serious crimes.”


In a dissent, liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor called the ruling “at odds with common sense.” Sotomayor noted that the immigration judge who heard Barton’s case said she would have preferred to grant Barton’s bid to avoid deportation, noting that he had rehabilitated and that his four children were all U.S. citizens. The Justice Department did not respond to requests for comment.

Anonymous ID: 4951ee April 23, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.8900726   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse owner says it will repay $20 million in small business loans


Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse owner, Ruth’s Hospitality Group, announced Thursday that it is repaying the $20 million it received under the federal government’s Paycheck Protection Program. By applying through two subsidiaries, the company was granted a total of $20 million in loans in early April, according to an SEC filing. Although larger companies qualified for the loans, they received backlash because the emergency program ran out of money before many small businesses could access it.

Anonymous ID: 4951ee April 23, 2020, 2:46 p.m. No.8900798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Woman CATCHES Media Red-Handed LIVE - Nurses Blocking Traffic PROVEN 100% STAGED


Keep in mind, the media does this on a weekly basis to brainwash and manipulate the public. The trump left/right narrative surrounding the lockdowns and protests are all part of the scripted show.