>>8900110 lb
>Freshly Baked Union Bread
The fucking Bakers Union AGAIN ?
Kek! at this joke of a board!
>>8900110 lb
>Freshly Baked Union Bread
The fucking Bakers Union AGAIN ?
Kek! at this joke of a board!
>ATF Targets Small Gun Shops with Leading Phone Call Questionnaire
>The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF)
Part of the DoJ … Billy Bagpipes' DoJ … Ruby Ridge Billy Bagpipes
Who is still stupid enough to believe that 30+ year career gummint bureaucrat Billy Barr is going to drain the swamp?
Until Trump drops Fauzi and Birx, it's the same as a HIllary press conference.
Trump's loyalty to those to gummint bureaucrats will be his undoing.
It's a fucking scam by the global left to destroy the world economy, so that we beg the marxists to come to the rescue.
And Trump is falling for the scam out of what he thinks is political necessity.
Pay attention.
>CP porn and naked women
Two entirely different things, virgin.
You are on this earth because of nekid women, you dumb fucking nob.
Georgia guvner took the lead to open his state .. Trump bashed him.
Pay attention, sheep.
Trump can be wrong .. and often is.
Trump is playing this batflu like every repug chump of the last 50 years .. following the advice of people who want him gone.
Did The Rapist twat an Easter message to Christians?
Thought not.
The Rapists only likes pedo goatfuckers.
>He is playing the game on more than 1 level
With 28 million out of work … and increasing?
Is that what you "game" you thing Trump is playing?
you are a fucking idiot .. Trump is playing the same politics that every other repug has played with the left. for the last 60 years … and he's losing, because he is following and not leading.
But, no matter. Trump (and all other elected cunts) has enough money to survive when the US economy is in depression.
>Trust the Plan.
>Have a little Patience.
3+ years of Trump after he ran on a platform of draining the swamp.
Not one arrest.
Economy in shambles.
Country still closed.
Rights being trashed by electeds.
Depression coming.
Crooks still free.
My patience has run out.
>you're here arent you?
This bullshit question that you assholes ask of every dissenter on this board is such a blatant tell as to your larp.
>why are you here?
See <<>>8900527
This board's larping tactics against dissenters are obvious af .. exactly like r/politics during Mueller's peach mints investigation.
Bank C-level crooks are going to be cashing out FAST … and SOON!
They are then going to flee the US (Mexico and South America) .. and Americans who remember the bailout and are now faced with an economic depression.
>while the country is permanently destroyed.
Closing the country because of the sniffles will be Trump's legacy .. Trump is following Fauci and Birx - two career gummint Hillary supporters.
Who here voted for Trump thinkiong that he'd ever sell us out like this? Not me.
Depression and SHTF is coming, anons …. Better stock up, with food and ammo.
It will get ugly.
Read up on the Great Depression and the lengths to which poor, jobless folks went to feed themselves and their families.
… and that was before the US was over run with violent spics and moozlums.
Every single Q post is made to distract the morans here from a failed previous Q post, or nuthingberder habbening that Q hyped.
Obvious af .. to anyone with 2+ brian cells.
Lemme guess: you can read minds and know that Trump's support of these 2 DS cunts in closing down our country is not really what he is doing … despite the country being closed down and Bill Gates being praised by his "advisors" for a vaccine?
Because, you are not a "simpleton" ?
Fucking idiot.
>Pence looks happy today
What's he happy about? 28 million unemployed?
The country still shut down for the sniffles?