Anonymous ID: 92143a April 23, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.8901525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mike Rothschild wrote an article in 2013 defending all of Bill Gates' atrocities, painting everyone who thinks Gates is the devil, as a conspiracy theorist.


So is Bill Gates really a Monsanto-owning, eugenics-loving, anti-education monster who wants to cull the population through poisoned vaccines? Or is he a wealthy man trying to use his fortune do some good in the world in a way that angers people who see conspiracy around every corner?


CLAIM: Bill Gates owns part of/most of/all of Monsanto and won't answer questions about it. As with anything related to Monsanto, it's hard to separate fact from hysterics. The short version of the truth here is that in 2010, according to their legally-required public tax return, the Foundation Trust purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto, worth $34 million. These shares were sold in 2011 and as of their 2012 filing, the Foundation doesn't own a single share of Monsanto. As it was, the investment was a tiny portion of their holdings, never enough to make a significant impact in either organization.


As to why they bought the stock in 2010, why wouldn't they? The Foundation has a massive portfolio of investments. Just their list of corporate stocks owned in 2011 runs for 19 pages. Given that the Foundation has an interest in both decreasing poverty and increasing their overall endowment, and Monsanto stock is a strong performer, their investment isn't surprising at all. The Foundation has a policy of not commenting on individual investments, so the fact that they won't discuss this particular one also isn't surprising.


CLAIM: The Gates Foundation supports toxic GMO's. It's true that the Foundation has made a major commitment to agricultural development, particularly in poverty-stricken countries. One particular method they're using to accomplish this is through the research and promotion of genetically modified crops. They've invested heavily in numerous different GMO initiatives, including basic science research, virus resistant cassava and "golden rice," a vitamin-loaded crop that can reduce malnutrition and infant blindness.


And remember, when it comes to children dying, the fewer, the better. The harm of GMO crops has never been proven to exist, but the people being helped by the Foundation's backing of this work certainly do — hundreds of millions around the world. The Foundation's efforts could lift these people out hunger and into better lives. Of course, the vast majority of the objections to the Foundation's investments in GMO's come from activists who have never had to worry about where their next meal is going to come from. As I've said many times, it's easier to March Against Monsanto when your belly is full.


CLAIM: The Gates Foundation supports deadly vaccines that kill people. Three for three on claims that induce hysteria among certain portions of the internet. First of all, let's sweep away any speculation that supporting vaccination is a bad thing. Despite one's personal opinion, vaccines save lives. Mommy instinct and Google University might not agree with that, but decades of scientific research does.


Vaccination in the developing world makes up a major platform of the Gates Foundation's philanthropy. Populations that had no access to vaccines for a host of deadly, preventable illnesses now do. The Foundation's efforts are working. In just one example, India, a country ravaged by polio not that long ago, reported one single case in 2011.


It's the polio vaccine that makes up one of the most common claims against the Foundation, that Gates-sponsored vaccines caused 47,500 cases of paralysis in India. You'll find this claim all over vaccine-doomsayer websites, and as you can guess, it's not true. The polio vaccine does not cause polio. These cases turned out to be acute flaccid paralysis, caused by a non-polio enterovirus. Another oft-repeated and equally bogus claim is that Malawian children were forced at gunpoint to take Gates vaccines. The source of this is, of course, Natural News — which referenced an article from Malawi Voice that appears to have been taken down shortly after it went up.


Skeptical Raptor has a good write-up of these and other false vaccine-related accusations against the Gates Foundation. Read it, then beat your head against the nearest wall.


CLAIM: Bill Gates is a eugenics advocate who wants to cull the world's population. Conspiracy theories about global depopulation are legion, with everyone from the UN to the Illuminati supposedly preparing a massive thinning of the herd through "soft kill" techniques. So naturally, a Bill Gates speech about how vaccines can reduce the population of the world would be a big deal and prove him to be a murderous monster.




Moar at link

Anonymous ID: 92143a April 23, 2020, 3:52 p.m. No.8901640   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dancing nurses insulting people on both sides of the pond.