Anonymous ID: 99f57e April 23, 2020, 3:05 p.m. No.8901006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1023 >>1024

Trump has no intention of criminally prosecuting the traitors. He's had 3 years to do it. He gave them all a free pass. The deep state released a bioweapon on us, tanked our economy, and caused 30 million Americans to lose their jobs. This is nobody's fault but Trump's. It's no different than when sanctuary cities release criminals and they go on to murder someone. The blood is on the city's hands for letting the criminals go free. Trump didn't put the criminal traitors in prison and now they are killing more Americans. This is 100% on him. Either Trump is a complete idiot or this was always the plan. The New World Order always wins.

Anonymous ID: 99f57e April 23, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.8901069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Still zero criminal prosecutions against the known traitors of the United States. The deep state is laughing right now. Wasn't the world supposed to learn the truth July 2018? Wasn't America supposed to be unified again on 11.11.18? What happened to the parade? This has turned into a bad fucking joke on the American people.

Anonymous ID: 99f57e April 23, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.8901130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1231 >>1537


Voting is meaningless. We can't win at the ballot box anymore. There are millions of non white immigrants voting democrat over 75% of the time. We are losing states that have always been conservative. Virginia will never be red again. Anyone who says it will be is lying. Just look at California. Dems are using the California model in red states now. Mass immigration to barely tilt the vote in their favor. Now historically red state Americans who support small government and the constitution will be ruled over by non white marxists who despise our values and traditions. This is not what winning looks like.

Anonymous ID: 99f57e April 23, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.8901318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, I'm not talking about illegal immigrants. I'm talking about legal non white immigrants. They move to our country and immediately buy into identity politics. They vote democrat in overwhelming numbers. I have nothing against all non whites. We all know some non whites who are patriotic and good people. But the vast majority are not interested in freedom and liberty. They just want socialism and change. It's political suicide to keep allowing millions of these people to move here. This is why states like Virginia, Georgia, and Florida are going blue. Democrats haven't won on the issue and they haven't changed anyone's minds. They've simply imported millions of new non white voters.

Anonymous ID: 99f57e April 23, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.8901612   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Maybe you should actually read what I said. I said nothing about illegal immigrants voting. I'm only talking about non white LEGAL immigrants. I've been paying attention just fine. I've paid attention to Kansas going blue, Kentucky going blue, and Virginia going blue. And Ron DeSantis, a combat veteran and real patriot, almost lost to a homosexual meth head. Non white legal immigrants are voting democrat over 75% of the time. They are turning historically red states into leftist shit holes. My sauce for this is exit polls and voting results from every election over the past 30 years. A majority of non white immigrants don't give a shit about freedom and liberty. They vote for socialism. Not a shill at all. Just pointing out the facts.