Anonymous ID: eda41d April 23, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.8901045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1138 >>1189 >>1218

>>8900514 lb

Almost all of the massive work so far has been going on behind the scenes, and getting corrupt people in positions of power to quietly resign, and making sure the legal cases will be bulletproof. When the final stage goes into action, it will be public and bigger than anything this country has gone through. The good guys must get it exactly right; it must be perfectly prepared and timed.

But yeah, I hear you and I hope it's this week or next. It makes it even harder that Q isn't posting very often, and when he does there's not much value in it, at least that I can see.

Not that I distrust Q or think that he played us, but the only small glimpses of hope I'm finding lately are from another self-proclaimed insider, who posts more specific predictions (and has been correct about many, though wrong on the timing of some.) Most anons on this board think he's a worthless larp because they only trust Q, but if interested, his posts are archived at

Either way, I am certain this is going to end up being "bigger than anyone can imagine" (Q 772), and a period of time that defines the future of the world - "This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization" (Q 2937), and "humanity is at stake" (Q 2298).

We must remember we are literally living through a huge war right now, just a different type & more subtle one than the last two world wars. But as Trump urges, it must be brought to a conclusion soon. Depending on how long it takes, and how many people lose their income and run out of all their savings, some of us will not make it to the end.