Anonymous ID: 1b4c68 April 23, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.8901760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1874

>>8901612 PB

Anon, you are correct.

Just got my US citizenship a few months ago, so I could register to vote for Trump.

I was one of the very few huwhyte ppl in the ceremony. The D's turned it into a campaign stop. We had to listen to speaker after speaker go on about how our most important "right" as new US citizens was to vote and kept pushing us to fill out voter registration cards. When we left the court room they were there to pick them up from us and "checked them" to make sure we had filled them out correctly. The look of absolute disgust I got when they looked at mine and saw I had filled it out as a registered Republican. I was worried they were going to ditch mine. To be fair, they didn't, my voter registration card came in the mail a few weeks later.

But, again, the new citizens had it beaten into their heads to VOTE and a not to subtle push to vote D.

All the speakers were non-white "immigrant success stories". I wanted to throw up. It was so obvious.

Oh, and they sat me next to an old Asian lady who kept coughing on me the whole time. I was freaking out, but I don't think she gave me Corona-chan. It's been enough time for even the long latency cases to have popped up.