Anonymous ID: 1a7174 April 23, 2020, 5:15 p.m. No.8902569   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8902077 (lb)

Well, there's a scripture that covers that:

Jeremiah 17:10 New International Version (NIV)



“I the Lord search the heart

and examine the mind,

to reward each person according to their conduct,

according to what their deeds deserve.”


What does it really mean to accept Jesus "into your heart"? You accept the life Jesus preached. You accept His teachings. You can do this without ever knowing Jesus. People want to make this all about some doctrine that was NEVER subscribed to by Jesus. Jesus simply said to do as He did. That's it. The Pharisees had Him killed because he upended their legalistic rules of how to worship God.


Jesus taught us what it's all about; a direct communion with God. In seeking God, you "accept Jesus", or at the very minimal, His "teachings"; whether you realize it or not. So many Christians completely lose this message because they don't understand what's being said because they are focusing on Paul, and his interpretations (or your local pastor's interpretations of Paul's letters). These erroneous teachings become the new "law" in their hearts. New rules to hinder the the walk of new followers that trap them into a mindset of judgement of others, and hindering their own selves in the process of their spiritual walk.


This really isn't all that hard of a concept. Anyone that thinks God is going to send a Buddhist to Hell for all eternity; one that was probably way more of an advocate for the poor, and helped his community more than "Creflo A. Dolla" or Kenneth Copeland, is completely missing the Christian message, the message of Christ, and is taking bad doctrine to practice.


Bad examples. Really bad.