Anonymous ID: 711c46 April 23, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.8903806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I had a quick gander through the HRC stuff on wikileaks, there was a folder for Colon Powell


If you were to read the first email, you would see that HRC is asking Powell about restrictions re: Blackberry usage, Colon then goes on to reply, in depth, how to get around security.


Second email HRC thanks him after using his tactics.


Third email is from "Grandpa Rick"


Fourth email HRC clearly lies saying she accepted all the boards findings (yet continued using a personal email server and blackberry)


Final email is congratulating the Benghazi testimony, even though she laughed like a fucking maniac during it (am I thinking of the right one?)


[Only the first 2 emails look related to Powell?]