Anonymous ID: f11bff April 23, 2020, 4:19 p.m. No.8901929   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1973


Baker shill always seems to come out at this time, at least: they notable'd a meme I made instead of the actual fucking article last time. Y'know, acknowledging the article for observance sake, but not actually wielding the information as actual baker's would–including it for all to see.

Coincidentally, he and the baker that took over sucked each other's assholes clean of any responsibility or edit and the article went unnoticed.

Same (B) team that posts the "its Ellen's assistant" or something equally bait-ey shit that 70 "anons" flood replies to every time.

Again, I say B team because even a casual observer of the board will have seen that tired out ploy by now.

Suppose it does do wonders to diminish the live appearance, though…

(Bread of legends this, by the way)