Anonymous ID: 1aedba April 4, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.890836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0848 >>0853 >>0909





hint, the church of Rome has always maintained that it was started by the apostle Simon Peter, the apostle, the first Bishop of Rome. Study your Bible and you will realize that Peter was chosen to spread God's word and the ministry of Jesus Christ to the circumcised. This means he was supposed to establish churches and minister to the existing Jewish populations of the day. Rome was not a Jewish center. In fact it was full of Gentiles. The Apostle Paul was chosen to minister to the Gentiles. A wise scholar through deduction will understand that Simon Peter would not have been anywhere close to Rome when the Roman Catholic Church claims he started the church. There is however, an ample amount of evidence to suggest that the heretic, Simon Magus, played a role in the establishment of the church of Rome. The entire church is predicated upon a great deception…