I am aware this has been discussed many times already, but I am still way too curious about this:
Is Mueller /ourguy/ and actually plays a perfect role of a Trump opponent while in fact is after Hillary? One anon suggested that Trump calls Mueller's task a "witch hunt" not referring to being hunted himself, but actually hunting a witch we know (Hillary). Sure, you might now bring up the fact that Mueller has been continously damaging Trump's campaign, but then again, look how Trump's strategy worked so far: Either Trump used an opposite strategy to unite even the brainwashed idiots (look at his Sinclair tweets and you will understand why) with the redpills or he made a very clear statement weeks ago, that was later proven completely right. Now, Mueller is more or less the Dems last hope. And if we consider Trump's strategy to unite even the brainwashed idiots who are extremely focused on Mueller's actions. What would happen, if he suddenly came up with all evidence against Hillary and is ready to investigate and jail her up and tells everybody that there was no Russia-Collusion on Trump, but on Hillary? Eventually (I do not say neccessarily) it could cause a huge mind shift, even to bluepills. In the end, Trump would have won a huge new voter base. It's the "focus", the "attention" which is the key here. Similar to what QAnon said of MSM walking into the trap of making QAnon popular, so even other people can research for themselves.
What I would be interested in, if there is any evidence that could at least hint to Mueller being /ourguy/. In the end, we will never know for sure though, because IF Mueller is /ourguy/ they will obviously hide that fact and still make him the anti-Trump guy in public.