Anonymous ID: 311f07 April 23, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.8903158   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You've just learned your first lesson. Those who are fighting tooth and nail to get you to leave and never come back are the ones we are fighting here. You fell for their tactic by allowing yourself to believe that this was US posting that evil. It is THEM. They are posting everything that is most vile to a God fearing person. And yet We persevere. We will not be moved. If you leave, they win a temporary battle. If you stay, then we will we gain another Patriot in our fight for God and Country. Lesson 2 is lurk more. You posted before you fully understood what was happening and therefore much of this bread is filled explaining to you. Now understand that the enemy is aware of this and uses this as a tactic to demoralize and fill the bread. They pose as newbies who are simply expressing their concern knowing that most will say, "well surely you could just fill me in with the answers." Respect that many here have been fielding these questions from newbies and shills every bread for 2 1/2 years. For those who watch without posting questions and concerns will find that they will have many questions answered simply by lurking and watching what is happening here. Pray. Put on the full armor of God and when you feel ready, then start posting and memeing and sharing your research. We are here fighting the good fight. Pray for discernment for their are many here who want you gone and they will post anything to get you to be weak, disillusioned and demoralized so that you'll quit. Do not buy into their negativity or spread it. We have God on our side and God wins. God bless you, God bless QAnon, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

