Anonymous ID: 575388 April 23, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.8902640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8902553 He could block them from the pressers, but optics rule here. He must show the entire nation/world that he is fair, no one excluded, and what nasty, low IQ fraudsters our enemies are, proven right out of their own mouths, on TV. At the same time, his own fabulous performance is juxtaposed for all to see. His intimate knowledge of details. His relentless, on top of it dedication. His quick, correct, often ad lib answers. Always so, but especially during crisis. And DJT/team know that it must be POTUS out there leading things, every single day. This anon gives him an AAA+++.

Anonymous ID: 575388 April 23, 2020, 5:32 p.m. No.8902755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2773 >>2798 >>2833

>>8902684 If vaccines are going to be "offered," with it being voluntary, that is one thing. The losers will run down to let Gates, Fauci, et al inject God knows what into their physical platforms. Most of these would be weak minded libs, who base their medical decisions on what big bro & the fraudulent med establishment whisper in their ears. But if such is to be declared mandatory, then we've got a massive problem. It would be a truly great betrayal, and many tens of millions of armed patriots would say no. But IMO it won't come to that.

Anonymous ID: 575388 April 23, 2020, 6:06 p.m. No.8903062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8902833 From the time he announced his Presidential candidacy, DJT has been the only game in town for people who fight to preserve the nation, along with a dignified way for the citizens to live. We all know that if the Hag had entered the WH, it would have been game over, and right now. Then POTUS won my trust by his words and actions. DJT, excellent consistency is thy name, and it is visible. Achievement. Leadership. Hope where none existed.


Trump & Team knew the corona phenomenon was coming, 99%+ sure of that. So they planned how to best defeat it, to do what was/is best for the citizens, shown by many, many actions. While defeating the latest coup attempt (yes), and holding things together economically/monetarily (barely) until 11/3, after which date the major changes will come.


Have never followed anyone in my life, until Trump and his movement. Because this is not like anything else we have ever seen. The people pouring to the rallies—they LOVE DJT because they see what I see, and they see that HE loves them too. There are some things in this world that can't be faked over the long haul. So Trump actually loves those he leads, and we are in the position now of trusting this. I do not believe he would betray us, and if this is wrong, we are dead meat anyway.


POTUS knows that the country must be opened ASAP, lest we fulfill the enemy dream of crippling the country economically. He knows that nearly all of the huge area controlled by his deplorable base is basically done with corona and raring to go. Yet, like his calling out of Kemp, it can't be done too quickly, nor can it be delayed even one day more than necessary. So he and team are riding a razor. This is war in every way, and in war every minute counts, literally every one. They are playing a very complicated chess position masterfuly—not allowing themselves to be rushed into a move prematurely, but not willing to sit on the defensive forever either. It has to be the "right" move at the right instant, and they are in position to pull off the winning combination.