Anonymous ID: b08085 April 23, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.8902521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2800

The War On Men


By Sue Price


Fomenting Revolution in the Pandemic


A key element to fomenting revolution is a large body of undervalued and underemployed males. Which is exactly what the ceaseless demonisation of men by Canberra’s massively funded femocracy has achieved.


They are operating on an “all men are bastards” style of feminism which took the universities by storm in the1970s. The useful fools pouring out of tertiary institutions and now infesting the upper echelons of the nation’s bureaucracies have poisoned our society with these now seriously out of date ideas.


If any good is to come out of this rotten pandemic, I hope it is a reexamination of the way we treat men. We’re happy to steal their taxes, but only to use their money against them.


The government’s disgraceful messaging on domestic violence during this pandemic, pouring yet more hundreds of millions into creating moral panic and painting women and children as in danger if men are forced to stay home with their families, is not just preposterous, it is counterproductive.


The single most protective influence for women and children is a father in the household. Even more so in times of widespread poverty.


Not that you’d ever guess from the blizzard of government funded propaganda prosecuting a ceaseless war on men. Turning perfectly decent working class males into patriarchal oppressors is one of the great intellectual deceits of the age, a deceit which has underpinned vast bureaucratic empires.


It is a sad indictment, that in my opinion, the family law system has deteriorated even further in the last few years. Mainly because of the growing influence of domestic violence issues, the increasing number of false allegations, perjury and lack of punishment, the incompetence of some family experts, the refusal to enforce orders, the secrecy of the court, the time delays in bringing cases to trial and the dogged effort of women’s groups to destroy the sensible shared parenting gains of 2006.


Society in general has been subjected to a hate campaign, lead by determined groups of women focussing on removing fathers from their children, destroying the concept of a child having two parents. The media has joined the hue and cry against men in general. Any man who behaves badly provides reason to accuse every man of bad behaviour. Media coverage if a man kills his family is excessive, but we hear little of the crimes committed by women despite them killing more children than biological fathers.


This war on men must stop. It is unjust. It is destroying our families and the relationship between men and women.


Our legislators, the police, the courts will fail to improve the system unless they acknowledge and act on the fact that men/fathers are also victims of violence and abuse and women are perfectly capable perpetrating acts of violence.

Anonymous ID: b08085 April 23, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.8902644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2659

“This Is a Rigged System!” – 22 Million Americans Laid Off Due to Government Lockdown Orders — But Government Employees Keep Getting Paid!


New York Post columnist Betsy McCaughey joined Newsmax TV on Thursday to discuss the latest unemployment claims. On Thursday


The weekly US unemployment numbers grew by 4.42 million jobs this week.

That brings the total to 26 million of unemployed Americans due to government enforced regulations.


Betsy McCaughey: Worse than heartless. 22 million people have been laid off since the beginning of this shutdown. And guess what? It’s the government that defines what an essential worker is and those government people are still getting their paychecks. This is a rigged system, to use a phrase that the Democrats like to use. This is a rigged system where the government says everybody is going to use their job except us. We consider ourselves essential. Americans should be rising up in protest. This shutdown in many places has gone on long enough. And the people setting the rules are still getting their paycheck.


Why is Congress still getting paid? When Pelosi sits at home instead of doing her job?

Anonymous ID: b08085 April 23, 2020, 5:27 p.m. No.8902699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2898 >>3046 >>3108 >>3192

Texas Mayor Caught Defying Her Own Stay-At-Home Order At Local Nail Salon


When a photo of Beaumont, Texas Mayor Becky Ames at a local nail salon surfaced, all hell broke loose.


That's because Beaumont has been on lockdown for almost a month.


The mayor left last week's council meeting to "find her phone flooded with text messages and angry social media criticism" after the picture went viral among the town after appearing on a local blog, according to Chron.


Ames signed a stay-at-home order on March 27 that included nails and hair salons as businesses that were ordered to close around the region. Ames said the photo "could make people think she was getting a manicure" but then defended herself, saying: “I did not do anything wrong. I would not be upset with anyone who I found out did this."

Anonymous ID: b08085 April 23, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.8902723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2747 >>2898 >>3108 >>3192

US Homeland Security Biolab Finds COVID-19 Killed in Seconds by Sunlight, Humidity


At a White House news conference on Thursday, a senior Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official said government scientists studying what conditions will kill the COVID-19 coronavirus had found the virus dies quickly when exposed to sunlight, heat, humidity and cleaning chemicals like bleach and isopropyl alcohol.


During the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, DHS Science and Technology Directorate chief William Bryan presented reporters with the first results from studies by the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center on what conditions the COVID-19 novel coronavirus can survive in.


Bryan told reporters the virus dies “at a much more rapid pace” when exposed to higher temperatures and humidity, noting that at 75 degrees Fahrenheit and 80% humidity, it dies much faster than before, in between one and six hours. However, when exposed to direct summer sunlight under those conditions, the virus perishes in just two minutes.


The DHS scientists also found that without further action, bleach kills the coronavirus in five minutes, and isopropyl alcohol kills it in just one minute.


The director added the biolab was testing other situations, including different concentrations of sunlight, ultraviolet light, heat and humidity, as well as other cleaning chemicals.


When a reporter asked Bryan why muggy areas like New Orleans and Florida had become COVID-19 hotspots, the director noted that sunlight, heat and humidity are not cure-alls.


“Look at the coronavirus as a chain with many links,” Bryan said, noting the findings merely pointed to “weak links” in the chain.


"That doesn’t take away the other activities, guidance from the White House or the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], that people need to do to protect themselves,” he said, adding this knowledge was “another weapon in that fight.”


However, while he conceded that “summer conditions will create an environment where transmission can be decreased,” he was careful to add that “it would be irresponsible to say that we feel the summer will totally kill the virus. We have an opportunity, though, to get ahead.”


US President Donald Trump asked Bryan if the virus would die on a person’s hands under the ideal conditions he described. Bryan noted that while skin is a nonporous surface, on which the virus lives longer, he added that “in theory” sunlight could kill it on human skin as well.


The president noted that while “a lot of people were talking about the summer,” his administration would likely extend social distancing guidelines through the warmer months.


“Until we feel it’s safe, we are going to be extending,” Trump told reporters.


He added that he had previously proposed that sunlight might help against the coronavirus, noting that he was lambasted by the “fake news media” for saying so.