oldfag with some thoughts on what to expect (and not expect)
we know Q posts bible passages and many of us are followers of JESUS. what was JESUS's message and what does it tell us about the future?
here i rely solely upon the recorded words of JESUS - but of course in context with regard to JESUS skill and knowledge of the OT as a basis for all his teachings and his ministry. i do this because when there is any discrepancy in interpretation the actual teachings of JESUS must outweigh all other factors. that and the fact the JESUS himself called out the apostles for their many failings.
as i see it the core message of JESUS relevant to our situation is "gods kingdom" vs "the earthly kingdom". Most here will be familiar with this - simply put there is an impassable chasm between the two and one must chooes which to follow. this is an extremely diffucult path and there are of course parables to back this reality up.
i say reality because in my life i have found it nearly impossible to accomplish despite huge effort and sincere intent. and i know few that have done so, and i doubt that i have succeeded either. so in this EARTH this wordly realm we inhabit and we live under the rule of MEN - and these MEN are more evil than good and that proves the above point does it not?
we have never thrown off the false authoroty of church, state, nation or tribe. Not done. so why should we believe in justice on this earth under the rule of MAN? answer is we should not. and that is why i now know Q and POTUS will not deliver on the promises of truth transparency and justice. They have chosen the path of all MEN before them and this is all to apparent at this point and time in history.
so we have failed to thorw off the yoke of evil men and follow GOD. To those of you who point to REVELATION and other texts promising a day of reckoning just be aware that this will NOT occur here on earth. Only in GOD'S kingdom where the fortunate and dedicated among us will see their golden future. Do not count on it in this earthly life. Too many have chosen poorly and perpetuated HELL right here.
PS - there is one hope - if POTUS sees the light and releases the patriots there are enough of them to achieve some of the worldy aims rightous anons yearn for. So far he has refused - he enjoys his wordly power too well.