Anonymous ID: d8a409 April 23, 2020, 6:39 p.m. No.8903388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3624 >>3655 >>3910 >>3926 >>3964

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Calls for Congressional Investigation of China


For weeks, the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank have stated the only solution for emerging market economies severely damaged by the coronavirus outbreak is a "debt jubilee."


The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published a note on Thursday morning that said about $1 trillion in debt owed by developing countries should be canceled to avoid an emerging market debt crisis.


"This is a world where defaults by developing nations on their debt is inevitable," warned Richard Kozul-Wright, director of UNCTAD's Division on Globalization and Development Strategies.


UNCTAD's report calls for a global debt relief deal for emerging market economies. It indicates "the vital need for decisive action to provide substantive debt relief to developing countries to free up sorely needed resources to respond to the raging pandemic."


Last month, UNCTAD called for an international effort to create an economic relief package for emerging market economies that would amount to at least $2.5 trillion. It said even before the virus pandemic, many of these developing countries had insurmountable dollar debts.


"The international community should urgently take more steps to relieve the mounting financial pressure that debt payments are exerting on developing countries as they get to grips with the economic shock of COVID-19," said UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi.


Here are some of the countries that have unsustainable debt burdens:


Cabal want to start over

Anonymous ID: d8a409 April 23, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.8903506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3530 >>3544 >>3952

Rand Paul returns to Congress after beating coronavirus and gives a fiery speech against 'draconian' lockdown


'Our recovery only comes when the quarantine is ended'


Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky excoriated his colleagues in Congress over their efforts to provide relief to Americans while putting the country in debt instead of opening up the economy.


"If you print up billions of dollars and give it to people, they are unlikely to spend it until you end the quarantine," said Paul in his speech on the Senate floor on Tuesday after returning from his battle with coronavirus.


He went on to point out that there were some studies showing that experts' predictions of mortality rates from coronavirus could be inaccurate and overblown.


"The virus is still dangerous," he added, "and we shouldn't ignore the risks, but we should put those risks in perspective!"


Paul said that these randomized studies show that America can manage the coronavirus without continuing the "draconian" lockdown policies.

Plagued by a lack of commerce, not money


"So today I arise in opposition to spending $500 billion more. The virus bailouts have already cost over two trillion dollars. Our annual deficit this year will approach four trillion dollars!" he said.


"We can't continue on this course!" Paul added.


"No amount of bailout dollars will stimulate an economy that is being strangled by quarantine!" he exclaimed. "It is not a lack of money that plagues us, but a lack of commerce!"


Paul praised the numerous efforts from Americans to combat the coronavirus pandemic, then returned to the subject of the debt amassed by the relief bills.


"With the recent $2 trillion bailout we are borrowing faster than we have ever borrowed before!" he continued. "Had we practiced sound budgeting in the past, we would have been better, significantly better position to weather this storm."


He pointed out that the most recent statistics said more than 20 million Americans were unemployed.


"Make no mistake. The massive economic calamity we're experiencing right now is caused by government. Passing out $1,200 checks indiscriminately, to people who haven't lost their job, will do nothing to rescue the country!" he explained.


"Our recovery only comes when the quarantine is ended," Paul added.


'A terrible terrible conclusion'


Paul said that economists should also weigh in on what the balance should be between fighting a virus and causing harm to the entire economy.


"We need to get past a one size fits all approach to infectious disease!" he said.


Paul also decried the passage of the massive relief bill without a recorded vote.


"I don't want to see this massive accumulation of debt destroy this great country," Paul concluded. "So my advice to the Senate and to the American people is, let's be aware of what we're doing by creating all this new debt and let's think before we jump to a terrible terrible conclusion."

Here's the video of Paul's speech:

Anonymous ID: d8a409 April 23, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.8903729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3752 >>3764



Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Execute Young Man Over Blasphemy Claims

Mohamed Tano has been executed by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham for blasphemy, although other claim that he was accused of criticising the group’s leader reports Zaman Al-Wasl.


Military Situation In Syria And Iraq On April 23, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria and Iraq:

ISIS claims that its forces ambushed an Iraqi military convoy near the area of Kilo 160, west of al-Anbar, and killed or injured 11 service members;

The SDF’s Asayish released a statement threatening the NDF over the recent tensions in Qamishly city;

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham executed a 19yo Syrian refugee departed from Turkey to the militant-held part of Greater Idlib;

More details appeared on the recent Israeli strike on Homs province;

Syria and Russia released a joint statement saying that the US is hindering a medical mission to the Rukban refugee camp;

Turkish forces reportedly shelled Syrian Army positions in western Aleppo;

Pro-government locals intercepted a US military convoy near Farfarah;

The Iraqi military claims that over 1,000 seprate security operations were conducted in the country in 2020.


Al-Jaafari: Regaining the occupied Golan is a priority for Syria

He affirmed that the UN failure has encouraged some countries to try to disavowal from legal commitment, and seek to change facts, like the provocative actions of the US proclamations to announce the occupied Jerusalem as capital of the Israeli occupation, then its proclamation about the occupied Syrian Golan.


Militants Stole Valuable Artifacts From Historical Site In Greater Idlib

“We think that the militants didn’t decide to occupy the ancient city by themselves. Someone sent them there. Most likely, they were traders of ancient artifacts. They arrived and began to purposefully search for the tomb of the rulers of Ebla, they wanted to find jewelry. Dozens of golden and stone artifacts were stolen,” Aylu said, adding “The militants inflicted huge damage on the city.”


Russian Military Delegation Meets Prominent Tribal Leader In Northeast Syria

The Russian meeting with al-Harb tribe’s leader was likely meant to solidify bilateral relations. It is logical for Arabs in northeast Syria to see Russian presence as a counter weight for U.S. forces, which are partnered with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).