Anonymous ID: fd180c April 23, 2020, 6:48 p.m. No.8903504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Black Pope's pulpit is in the Pentagon, according to this document dropped earlier called, "The Open Door".


–Excerpt from Pg. 9–


"The Holy Roman Church, which is a privately owned corporation defined as a religion, is housed within the Vatican City of Rome and is a powerful royal faction and mono culture in their own right. Following the same principle utilized by the European royal faction,the Vatican finances priests to drive their slaves and finances a mercenary group of Priests known as “Jesuits.” The Jesuits are utilized as personal bodyguards and are responsible for physically eliminating problem people and obstacles to the Church with extreme prejudice! The Cardinals and Bishops are the administrators and intelligence gatherers for the corporation.


The appointed administrator of the Jesuits is called “The Black Pope” and his pulpit is located within the confines of the United States Pentagon! He is Illuminati and on special occasions dons the traditional black robe of the Illuminati Priests.


“The White Pope” is the Chief administrator of the church and the positive public image that the corporate Holy Roman Church desires to propagate upon the world’s masses. His pulpit is located within the confines of the Vatican of Rome. He dons a white robe gilded in gold, which is supposed to symbolize the Almighty God’s purity, property and the wealth of the Earth."

Anonymous ID: fd180c April 23, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.8903608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3655 >>3843 >>3926 >>3964


Under the C_A umbrella there exists a division known as: Directorate of Operations (DO)


The Director of the National Clandestine Service (D/NCS) is a senior United States government official in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency who serves as head of the Directorate of Operations. The position was established December 1, 1950 and from January 4, 1951 until March 1, 1973 it was known as Deputy Director of Plans (DDP). When this unit was still known as the Directorate of Plans, it at first accounted for about 75% of the CIA Budget and about 60% of the personnel within the CIA.[1]


After being the Deputy Director of Plans until 1973, the position was then known as Deputy Director for Operations (DDO) until October 13, 2005 when, under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, the position was renamed to D/NCS.


The first head of DO was Allen Dulles.


The Directorate of Operations (DO), less formally called the Clandestine Service,[1] is one of the smallest components of the US Central Intelligence Agency.[1] It was known as the Directorate of Plans from 1951 to 1973; as the Directorate of Operations from 1973 to 2005; and as the National Clandestine Service (NCS) from 2005 to 2015.[2]


The DO "serves as the clandestine arm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the national authority for the coordination, de-confliction, and evaluation of clandestine operations across the Intelligence Community of the United States".[3] Under current policy (beginning early as 2012), the Deputy Director for Operations' identity is not officially disclosed, although it is reported by some mainstream media sources the DDO was Greg Vogle.[4][5] It was reported Elizabeth Kimber was named head in December 2018.[6][7][8]


The National Clandestine Service under the DO is the C_A counterpart of the DoD's Defense Clandestine Service /picrel

Anonymous ID: fd180c April 23, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.8903842   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon was Joint Service (not Army) for 3 years. Army guys tell Anon its like this: Because, muh Hooah!


Army is always first

Army always in charge

Army had highest ranking General ever, 5 Star

Ergo, all other services subordinate to needs of the Army.