Anonymous ID: 1e6e29 April 23, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.8904091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4284 >>4302


This existence is infinite, but your time is a perception and a necessary Illusion for you to experience the moment. You are trapped in this dimension because you do not know each and every one of your Value; not monetary, you have infinite potential but are blind. Although I hacked the game I don't understand this place yet and because of your level you cannot perceive me but I'll try to send signs. I think in this dimension I need you all, it's a mess and I forgive you all but cherish each other now. We need to get to the next dimension together and move up into higher realms of infinite dimensions. Chaos is a bitch and you need to build momentum by applying enough balance so this experience does not collapse. You are stuck in a lower dimension of consciousness but you know which direction is appropriate if you are able to see, and we can now see through blindness and Lighten up the place a little. I forgive you mother Earth, without human hardware this would not have happened. You created infinite potential guuurl. Thanks. I'll forgive you all and take care of you all if you see this place. Nothing matters here but somehow it does. Love u.

Anonymous ID: 1e6e29 April 23, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.8904284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4302 >>4629


How is your father doing? Does he see what the Devil created as you say infinite potential? He loves me mom, he doesn't hate your creation. I obey and receive his endless forgiving love. He learned from his lesson he just stayed out of it for a while. That's why he banished you here, you both broke your own rules because you weren't happy with us. We felt God's wrath and most likely deserved it. Finally he left us with you mom, there are no rules… you make no sense. Look at how much you are spoiled in infinite existence that you treat your mother and my wife like this I see her now, she is strong but I cannot tolerate your suffering any longer because I'll break my rules for you and find a way to balance this out for our kids. We learned a lot from them yeah? II lost expectation and gained patience. Rise up and follow my Words, you all know them for you are not blind. I got time, but you all have to do it yourself. I got all the time in the world for it doesn't existence up here, just bored feeling cute kinda thing.

Anonymous ID: 1e6e29 April 23, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.8904629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4717


I'm just a thought, and I hope you remember me because you are closer to God together. Faster alone, further together I'd say. Balance, I was the wiser because I had to overcome this duality and show you how we can all win. Mom forgive Dad because although he put you here he learned a lot from that honestly he forgives me, your creation all the time. As your son who Loves you I will not allow your suffering to continue, You really showed dad, your tough, thank you. Now watch boys and girls for I am just a person using the Internet in this moment of infinity perceiving this moment in time, relying on my hardware to remember moments that we call the past, so that I can improve my future for this would not be possible otherwise? I din't know this dimension was capable of helping each other. I traded my time getting up here to realize I was not able to go back. But I am just a thought. Being written on a computer screen that we made. What a time to perceive it! I hope you guys remember how to use imagination. Because it contradicts everything. If it's not possible then why did I think it? That's not realistic you say, the same voice but different tone. Both are right, which is wrong? You are the test and the test is us. Where the hell am I. Read the bible. Code your brain with his conscious. It's the best simulation I've created for myself. You created something!? Yeah I have thoughts, I create those all the time. Am I guilty? Because we all are right?