Anonymous ID: 34bdd4 April 23, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.8905161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ted Gunderson Files & Reports - archive pdfs

Former FBI Special Agent in Charge


War and Emergency Powers


US Gov Experiments on Citizens


US Customs Investigation of FINDERS



Finders (2)


Affidavit of Troy Boner


Corruption Network Vol 1

Corruption Network Vol 2

Corruption Network Vol 3

Corruption Network Vol 4


Police Reaction to Satanic Cults


McMartin Scientific Report



My Story by Lola Telmos


Testimony by Noreen Gosch


Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald Investigation


The Mystery of the Crafted Hoax


Techniques Used to Silence Critics


Terrorists Activities Prior Knowledge 911


The Pentagon's POW Papers


Plane Crash in Croatia


Project MK ULTRA The CIAs Program


Riconosciuto's Letter to Feds


Smart Cards Toward A Cashless Society


Stoeckley's Confession to the MacDonald Murders


Tatum's CIPA Briefing


The Metamorphosis of Michael Levine-Prison Life mag October 1994


Illuminati & the New World Order


Documentation New World Order




Story of A Illuminati-Defector-in-Her-Own-Words


Cover-up in the Death of Ron Brown


Drug Smuggling - Army and CIA Involvement in the USA


Foreign and Military Intelligence Book 1


Fragments- The Story of a Return to Wholeness (born into mkultra, satanism)


Gunderson Report on the Bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building NOT Classified


Gunderson Report-Russell Nelson


h.r.6166- military commissions act of 2006


Handbook on How to Use the Freedom of Informatin Act


Hoppy Heidelberg Interview


How to Locate Anyone Anywhere


Human Drug Testing by the CIA - 1977


Implantable Microship Technologies


Operation North Woods


Report from Iron Mountain


M K ULTRA Documents

MIND CONTROL Technology Patents

MKULTRA–CIA Mind Control Research and Documentation 1

MKULTRA–CIA Mind Control Research and Documentation 2


Murder in the First Degree


Mysterious Deaths and Murder Conspiracies




Operation Vampire Killer 2000


Terrorists' Activities Prior Knowledge Furnished to the FBI Six Months in Advance of 9-11 (part 1








The COMETA Report


Bloody Wednesday-Summary of Oklahoma City Bombing-Gunderson,Blair