Anonymous ID: 433b95 April 23, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.8904859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5085

What a sight to experience imagination and thoughts. I should write things down. Even if everyone knows is it still not useful if it exists in the physical dimension? Is not saying anything a lie? How do I prove both sides wrong but I ended up right because I'm wrong. Ah man these loop thoughts are annoying, thankfully I can break out of those. I'm hungry, why can't I just be full all time time. Wouldn't it be nice to rub my belly to relieve my hunger like I can with Lust. Eh, guess living is not for the weak. Happy now body? We've indulged in everything! Happy now!? How will I suffer next!? Why do I exist? Can you figure that out? WHY!? Good question actually, how do I fulfill my curiosity now? Learn. I don't enjoy that. Do you want to be happy? Then learn, you have no excuse, so much is done for you without your knowledge and you still complain. Nah, why bother I have everything. PLEASEEE? Why please? Uh, ok I coulda killed you you but this concious thing is quite useful. We need each other then, I'll work with you. But you need me more than I need you, I'm a savage don't you know? Do you know me random voice WHO I AM? Yeah, I have to experience it. I'm still figuring you out. Good luck, I hear your thoughts anyways.

Anonymous ID: 433b95 April 23, 2020, 9:14 p.m. No.8904891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915 >>4917 >>4933 >>5085 >>5485

Can we all talk and get to know each other. Isn't this a message board? Isn't the whole message to work together. We're the smarter wiser side correct? Trust the plan right? Let's share some philosophic thoughts and improve them and not judge them. I guess being neutral has it's benefits. Leads me to Trinity. 1 person loses for 2 to succeed so if we all help each other and neutral we can break that degradation of conciseness? Order takes energy, we have to keep momentum to beat chaos or it will destroy itself and us. And then we go back to 2D? I dunno, just a thought what do you think?

Anonymous ID: 433b95 April 23, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.8904933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4986 >>5085 >>5196


I honestly don't know what the plan is but relying on my intuition. Do we have to know? You can kill an idea and end its existence without harming a person technically. Let's evolve and use everything we've learned and MMA the bazooka out of this place. All of this is useful, I won't take that parts of it, and I'll add what is specifically mine while working on the intention of happiness and wisdom instead of 2 extremes which reject criticism and leads to stagnation.

Anonymous ID: 433b95 April 23, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.8905020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036 >>5085 >>5225

Balance yourself anons, because both sides are wrong and neither side will admit defeat because we are independent without Gods preaching and punishment, and you can avoid the Devil by not playing her game. Stalemate. Hmm who wins now? Bible says giving food and water to your enemy is like pouring boiling hot water over them. Why do I understand that and it makes sense? Because you know yourself and your internal battle is as important as the outer.

Anonymous ID: 433b95 April 23, 2020, 9:49 p.m. No.8905141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5167 >>5203 >>5235


There aren't many people that pass the test. How many people preach rules and break them? How many people know the law and break them knowing the punishment. When you see an honest man who follows rules, has nothing, and convinces he loves you by not impressing himself with material posseons but through wisdom, community, and what made so much sense to everyone who were in a time of poor education and were stuck in habits that they couldn't explain because those feelings are complicated. Jesus was a Genius, and an artist, well balanced who put words to emotion and shared his wisdom through his own finite existent to prove himself to his father. He wasn't expecting betrayal right? He thought he could convince them but learned what happened and ended up forgiving us anyways and felt so sorry for our suffering that he took his word to the cross. He taught people who were surviving for so long because life is chaotic that humans won the test. Ouch, that HURT ME!? I only experience love, how is that hatred possible. It can tear your godliness into pieces. Betrayal, no words, but something deep rooted. This is up to us I guess? Prove ourselves wrong by admitting defeat because if I can think different than those 2 then God Queen and all their children need each other. Amen.

Anonymous ID: 433b95 April 23, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.8905235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, he took us to the next level. Even if he was not physically the son of God if you want to think of this more logically then technically God is King, the you can become his son when you follow his rules. Read it and be like this is crazy, that's impossible. Then realize that we watched ourselves kill a man who was innocent, saw ourselves, leaders, neighbours, good, and bad, a mutual feeling of unveiling the hypocrisy of the leaders, and those who he loved had to watch him suffer and put an innocent man through that, while Jesus also realizing how savage this place actually is when even though everyone follows this belief that they thought was not possible. SURPRISE. You're all capable, I followed the rules. Here are some shortcuts, bear my witnesses will carery the Word because I have finite time here but I forgive you all but I leave you with your creation and feel and see my suffering. I didn't betray you because I am on no ones side. ANd I expect no one to stand up for me because I did not expect this. I had FAITH, I am at your mercy but watch what you do to yourselves and that feeling of regret and guilt will be have to stay here, your awakening comes at a price, and know from now you are willing deceivers if you fool yourself or others. And may those of you who now felt what you saw, may that hold you accountable and I pray that this trauma will remind you not to feel it again by not allowing it. None of you should want to be treated this way for being honest, so you should not allow it. Do not be hypocrites like they are and betray yourself for enjoyment for if my father let's you in his house he will forgive and share it with us.

Anonymous ID: 433b95 April 23, 2020, 10:32 p.m. No.8905339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5373 >>5405

Trust those on your path, smile to strangers because it is contagious, and speak truth and fact as a discovery rather than with any intention or accusation.