Anonymous ID: 7c789f April 23, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.8905253   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The shot heard around the world.

Maybe it's an Acronym. Sunlight Hydroxychloroquine Oxygen Therapy. Isn't tesla building CPAP Machines and converting them into ventilators with some 3d printed part (so the story goes)

My irritating Lib friend said the problem with using Azithromicin is that its an anti-bacterial which leads to the creation of super bugs, maybe the plan is to use photopheresis in its place? and the CPAP machines make the patient breathe nothing but oxygen during the process? I have no clue, this shit's above my paygrade But I think there might be something to the Sunlight Hydroxychloroquine something something anagram for S.H.O.T.