@jack must be stubborn?
No way. The people that have access to NK rig views of the earth?
Can I just say it's really annoying and a complete contradiction of your "normies need to open their minds" message, when all of you keep closed minds to anything but YOUR theory. Newsflash, Jack. Not everyone with a differing opinion is a cia agent or paid shill. Some of us want to believe Q. Some of us understand he has insider information, but with the way things are actually playing out, this could be a completely different type of operation. And God forbid you think for yourself on this board and not jump in line with the sheep as the heard run to the next Q post. Without looking at drops vs. happenings. Something is up. We aren't being told everything and not the "everything" you think.
Are there bots or agents here? Fuck. I don't know. I honestly don't care. If there are, I wish I really knew, it would add credibility to Q.
Step out of the pen, look inside from the outside and ask yourself, what's missing here? Maybe Q HAS to hold some things.
But this isnt sitting right with me, any of the "woke" friends I have, or quite a few people on the internet (off 8 chan were people actually listen to all opinions and welcome challenges of the mind without ridiculing you and calling you a faggot because your theory is being blown apart or you simply can't handle more truth).
The chans were picked for a reason. And not the reason you keep thinking.
"Why are you here then" Because unlike all of you, I'm not willing to say I'm 100% correct. I want to see this through. I hope I am wrong for the sake of the world. But guys, realize some of us here have families we care about, jobs we hate, and a system that threw us over 100 years ago. If we can agree on that, why argue about the rest?