psyopanon….in what capacity can you help us anons. firstly, we rarely make a judgement at first glance and secondly, we thought all comms were only from Q…
I'm not even a US Patriot, but a CanuckPatriot. Even up here we have people that have been suspicious and pissed off with corruption. Even within our own Gov't. Not to mention RCMP…sigh
I appreciate your replies, and with everything , we take it all with a grain of salt. Took many Q "coincidences" before I came onboard as official anon.
Even I knew that an agency without a watchdog or answers to some higher department is bad news…
Charlie YankeeAlpha L
We scrutinize all. I made psyopanon know this. we will know if he's a larp if Q posts in 4.5days…Qurious….