Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.8911927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1933

Waco diggings here. Some stuff found on reddit. Posting to activate almonds of others. Will compile into more readable better format.




Day 51interviewed Davidian Wally Kennett, who stated the ATF was in actuality not looking for an illegal arsenal when they raided Mt. Carmel on February 28, 1993. This makes sense. It explains why the ATF went ahead with the raid on February 28, when they knew that most of the arsenal (a licensed gun shop, by the way) had been taken to Austin for a gun show that morning.

What the ATF was really looking for, Kennett says, was information stored on a computer–information which had been compiled by two Davidians–Jeff Little and Wayne Martin, both of whom were later killed in the final assault. Jeff Little was known by the Davidians as a "computer expert" who had previously worked for the Yamaha Corporation, where he was involved in a project to modify a law enforcement software to contain a "trap door."

The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro,by Kenn Thomas and the late Jim Keith, details how the Reagan Justice Department stole PROMIS, a law enforcement software, from the firm INSLAW, and modified it to contain a "trap door." PROMIS was then sold by the government to various entities, such as foreign intelligence agencies. The trap door allowed outside monitoring of that agency's computer transactions.

The article "Fostergate" by Jim Norman–written for Forbes,then killed by Forbes board member Caspar Weinberger (but later published in Media By-Pass)–describes Vince Foster, the late White House Special Counsel and law partner of Hillary Clinton, as the overseer of a National Security Agency project to install the modified PROMIS in the banking industry. This was done through Foster's involvement with the Arkansas bank data company Systematics, a company connected with the NSA and CIA.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.8911933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1939



Later, the story goes, Foster fell victim to a group of CIA renegades known as the Fifth Column who were working to eradicate government corruption. Supposedly, Fifth Column operatives were using the modified PROMIS to empty the Swiss bank accounts of government officials.

Foster was one of their victims. One day he checked the balance of his Swiss account and found it empty, and knew he was in trouble. Formerly this account had held money he was paid for his role in the October Surprise affair. The October Surprise was to have been Jimmy Carter's ticket to reelection in the campaign against Ronald Reagan. As has been well documented, a deal had been worked out with the Iranian government which would have released the hostages in the U.S. Embassy a month before the election. When the Reagan-Bush camp learned about the plan, George Bush and Caspar Weinberger made their own deal with the Iranians to delay the hostage release till after the election. Israel mediated this deal, and, after Ronald Reagan's election, were paid. This was Foster's role. Acting under the auspices of Bush and Weinberger, Foster arranged for the transfer of nuclear launch codes to Israel–a deeply treasonous offense which, if exposed by the Fifth Column, would destroy Foster and anyone connected to him, including the Clinton administration.

Foster died under mysterious circumstances. Officially, it was a suicide. Yet the evidence–gun in the wrong hand, a body that had been clearly been moved from somewhere else, and much more–clearly supports murder.

Numerous parties may have had reason to kill Foster, in order to prevent the spy scandal that was about to break. Some say it was the Clinton administration, others say Israeli intelligence–or both. It has been claimed that surveillance video shows Mossad agents leaving Foster's apartment on the day of his death. Vince Foster's widow, interestingly, has stated his death had something to do with the Waco incident, which had occurred a few months before. In an Associated Press story, she said he felt responsible for Waco, and killed himself out of guilt.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.8911939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1954 >>2143



If it is true that Foster's story intersects with that of PROMIS, and if it is true that Jeff Little was involved in a government project which sounds an awful lot like PROMIS, then it would seem we have found another, deeper link between Foster and Waco.

Many have said that Mt. Carmel was some sort of intelligence front. For instance, the minister of a rival Davidian church in Waco told me that Koresh had worked for the CIA and the church housed a biowarfare factory. This view was also promoted by Patriot leader Linda Thompson, who in a Penthouseinterview, alleged it was a CIA facility, and that the ATF raid was orchestrated by the FBI, acting in alliance with Israel's Mossad, to shut it down.

Another variation of this theory comes from the late attorney Paul Wilcher, who died mysteriously after writing a report to Attorney General Janet Reno which described Mt. Carmel as a mind control facility. Koresh and his inner circle, Wilcher claimed, were programmed "sleeper" agents, or "Manchurian Candidates," who had been programmed to carry out a terrorist act with biological weaponry (as was later performed in Japan by the Aum Shiro cult, when it released deadly sarin gas in a Tokyo subway). However, Koresh and the other sleepers "woke up" from their programming and went rogue. This necessited shutting down the Mt. Carmel facility. And yet, there is no evidence that biological warfare agents were ever manufactured at Waco. The only dangerous chemical known to have been manufactured at Mt. Carmel was, according to surviving Branch Davidians, methamphetamine. This had been done under George Roden, the leader of the Davidians prior to Koresh. (Later, the ATF alleged there was a speed lab at Mt. Carmel. This, along with the charge of child molestation, was a pretext for the February 28 raid–curious, since both speed and child molestation are outside that agency's jurisdiction.) Roden left Mt. Carmel after a power struggle with Koresh in the late 1980s, and, until his recent death, was confined to a mental institution in Big Spring, Texas. On at least two occasions he escaped this facility, and once managed to travel all the way to the Israeli embassy in New York. He claimed some sort of connection with the Israeli government. Could Mt. Carmel have been a Mossad facility? The Davidian flag, which fell into the flames on April 19, did bear the Star of David. Also, some in the conspiracy reseacher community believe there is a link between the Branch Davidians and Jewish Mob boss Abraham Davidian who was shot dead in the late 1940s.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.8911943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1949 >>2142

Israel did figure prominently in Koresh's life. It was while on a trip to Israel in the 1980s that he received a "vision" which began his career as spiritual leader. He went to Israel under the name Vernon Howell; he came back with the name David Koresh. The book Why Waco?reports that Koresh continued to receive visions after returning to the U.S.; the inspiration for a sermons always originated as a picture beamed into his head. This is reminiscent of the visions experienced by late science fiction author Philip K. Dick, who claimed that Gnostic imagery was being beamed into his head by an external entity. Perhaps Dick's and Koresh's "visions" originated from God, perhaps from extraterrestrials, perhaps from their own minds, or perhaps they were delivered by microwave. Dick might have been a mind control victim. Koresh might have been one too. The technology certain exists; it has not been for nothing that, over the years, billions of black budget dollars have been poured into what the Pentagon calls "non-lethal weaponry."

Whatever the explanation for Koresh's visions, his leadership represented a new era for the church. There is no evidence speed, or sarin, was manufactured during his tenure at Waco. But we do have evidence, from surviving Davidians, that there computer espionage there. So, what might have been the nature of Martin and Little's investigation?

In Day 51, Mosley suggested it was information injurious to Bill Clinton and the New World Order, such as ATF-sponsored illegal arms distributions to urban street gangs.

Or it could have been evidence on cocaine smuggling at Mena, Arkanas. According to books such as Compromised and articles in The Wall Street Journaland London Daily Telegraphthis activity was sponsored by the Iran/Contra gang (Bush, Weinberger, Oliver North). Weapons were shipped to Nicaragua out of the Mena airport, in exchange for cocaine which was brought back to Mena, then distributed to the nation. As governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton is alleged to have received a hefty amount of cash for looking the other way. way. Investigative journalist Sherman Skolnick has claimed that, prior to his death, Vince Foster had been tracking Clinton's money into offshore accounts–supposedly at the behest of First Lady Hillary Clinton who had her own reasons for wanting to know the whereabouts of her husband's money. If this is so, perhaps it was done with the modified PROMIS software; perhaps, too, Jeff Little and Wayne Martin were the operatives directly engaged in this activity. This, of course, is only a guess. We may never know what was on the computer. Foster's Waco files could tell us, but they ended up in the possession of Mrs. Clinton after his death.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.8911949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1958



We do know it was a computer they were looking for, because the room ATF agents were seen breaking into during the raid was the computer room. The gun shop was in an entirely different part of the building–something the ATF agents would surely have troubled to learn. There are more Waco mysteries. For instance, in Linda Thompson's documentary Waco: The Big Lie,video footage of the raid appears to show three ATF agents being killed by "friendly" fire. We see the agents enter the window, leaving a fourth agent on the roof. He then sprays the wall with machine gun fire. Many believe this was when the three men died, and many think it deliberate.

These three dead agents had all been personal bodyguards of Clinton's during the presidential campaign. Also, there are rumors that, during a campaign stop in Waco the summer before, these three had accompanied Clinton to a barber shop where he received a haircut. The barber was a Branch Davidian. The five men are said to have had a long, private conversation.

Could the information on Jeff Little's computer have been the subject of that reputed conversation? If so, then their killing during the raid takes on the appearance of one faction of government attempting to retrieve the information, while another faction interferes with that retrieval. But, again, this is only a guess. These are just a few pieces of the puzzle. They suggest a big story–possibly a secret war between two factions of government. Yet there are too many pieces of the puzzle missing. We cannot know the exact nature of this war until we know what was on that computer in Waco. This is not likely to happen any time soon, as the computer, if it existed at all, long ago went up in flames.

Note 1: In September 1999, Rumor Mill Newsletter reported on the Internet that recent revelations regarding Waco in the mainstream media were the result of factional fighting at the highest levels of power. According to this theory, the Bush family has been moving away from the Clinton/New World Order faction. Allegations with regard to Gov. George W. Bush's cocaine usage are supposedly pressure tactics to bring the Bush family back into the New World Order fold. However, the Bush counter-move has been to reveal information on Waco, which would be damaging to the Clinton/New World Order faction. This appears a distinct possibility, since much of the new evidence on Waco has come from the Texas Department Public Safety, an agency controlled by Gov. Bush. It will be interesting to see what develops in the weeks ahead. The Clinton term in office began with Waco, and it appears it may end with Waco.

Note 2: April 2000. Carlos Ghigliotti, who had been hired as a congressional expert to study the Waco infrared video, died mysteriously in his office in Washington, DC. His findings had revealed that snipers did fire on Davidians as they ran out the back of the burning building. Also, in early 2000, Waco Sheriff Jack Harwell made a telephone call to Davidian leader Clive Doyle. He described to Doyle that he had been dreaming about the children murdered at Waco and wanted to make a clean breast of things. The next day he was found dead of an apparent heart attack. Two of the Branch Davidian village members had been able to hack into the Pentagon/CIA/FBI Black Ops databases, and discovered that the CIA with the utilization of the CIA’s Buffalo Airlines, were daily transferring Cocaine, laundered money, special operations agents, kidnapped children for CIA pedophile programs, and arms at the World War Two runway that bordered the Branch Davidian Village.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.8911958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1968



The entire village knew about the CIA’s Buffalo Airlines activities that tied directly to George Bush Senior and his direct involvement with the CIA, the Mafia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and other global locations, that included the global elites intelligence operations, banking operations, drug transfers, arms transfers, child pedophile kidnapping and transfers, aircraft refueling, and global money laundering network.

In all of the Waco documentaries, all of the documentaries reveal that parked in front of the Branch Davidian village main building were observed several high speed go carts that were used by the branch Davidians who were carrying out the surveillance of the government Buffalo Airlines activity at the airport that bordered the Branch Davidian village, in order to identify and to log the Buffalo Airlines schedules with the two Branch Davidian members retrial of the CIA’s Guns for Drugs transfers that were going on daily. The Branch Davidian village members surveillance of the CIA Guns for Drugs transfers were known to the CIA due the CIA computer security having traced the hacking back to the Branch Davidian Village.

Take note: the main incendiary device that was used by the Special Forces attack on the Branch Davidian Village was brought about where the commanders of the genocide were under the direct orders to take out the computer room first and then kill all of the inhabitants, and then use this genocide as warning to any one else who may want to tamper with the… …CIA/Mafia/global elites clandestine drugs/money/arms/kidnapping operations. The whole idea as to why the CIA/Mafia/government needed to burn the Branch Davidian Village down, and kill all of the peaceful inhabitants was to destroy the computer files, and kill the witnesses to the CIA/Mafia/George Bush Senior/elite global banking drugs/arms/money/pedophile programs that were operating at the World War Two runway by the CIA’s Buffalo Airlines. The Waco siege BATF/FBI/CIA/Military/State Department/Pentagon/Mafia, commanders directives were to burn the village, and murder as many of the Branch Davidian Village members as possible, and destroy all of the evidence. The Japanese American contract FBI sniper (one of four of the government snipers who were used to kill off the fleeing women and children from the burning Branch Davidian village complex) named Lon Horiuchi was the same sniper who had murdered Weaver’s wife at Ruby Ridge Idaho. Lon Horiuchi like most FBI/CIA elimination operatives had been psychological profiled by the FBI/CIA for hating white Caucasians due to his having grown up in World War Two internment camp. It was noted that the very first day of the Waco siege that David Koresh, and two of the other members had appealed to the attacking special military operation that they had the computer discs and they would turn them over to the BATF Special Forces commander and surrender, if the attacking force would cease fire.

The commanders were under orders to kill as many of the inhabitants as possible and destroy the complex for three reasons, So there would be as few witnesses as possible to the CIA/Mafia Buffalo Airlines Guns for Drugs operations To let this be a warning to any one else who may want to mess with the elites global arms, drugs, and money laundering activities The elites are alleged practice Satanic type sacrifices and the murder of the Branch Davidian village was a good opportunity to make a sacrifice.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.8911968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1986 >>1987



Take note: Part of this warning was to warn any one else who may be have considered hacking into the government databases, whereas, the two Branch Davidian members had been continually entering into the pentagon/CIA Black Ops databases, and they were able to keep track of the drugs/laundered money/arms/kidnaped children/agents/ transfer that was going on. The high speed go carts with radio communication were able to stay under the runway radio, and the Branch Davidian village was observing and keeping track of the George Bush CIA/Mafia/elite’s global money laundering operation that was going on. Bob on the Job, Robert E. Lee Lewis served the best interests of the American people for more the twenty seven years as Organized Crime Investigator. Bob on the Job served on the U.S. Senate JFK Assassination Committee. Bob on the Job is currently interned for life in a government detention facility having been set up by government informant named Vance Beaudreau, and Joe Izen who are alleged run a special CIA/Mafia operation that is disguised as a law firm in Houston Texas. Bob on the Job is interned for life for having only done his job of trying to warn the American people of the take over of the American people’s United States government by the global forces of tyranny who will eventually be bringing the consequences of the peaceful Branch Davidian Village to a neighborhood near every law abiding American Citizen soon. Waco Cracker of ‘Cosmic Code’ David Koresh’s Mother Murdered by Sorcha Faal a.k.a. David Booth as reported to her Western Subscribers January 27, 2009 from WhatDoesItMean Website Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.

News reports from the United States are stating that the mother of David Koresh, the leader of the controversial religious sect named the Branch Davidians, of whom 80 men, women and children were murdered, and burned beyond all recognition, by US Government Black Operations Forces after their 1993, 51-day-siege of the sects Waco, Texas compound, was herself murdered after having written a book about her son and the ‘discoveries’ he had made which led to his death, and as we can read as reported by the BBC News Service: “The mother of the notorious Waco sect leader David Koresh has been found stabbed to death at the house of a sister in Texas, police say. Bonnie Clark Halderman, who was in her sixties, was found dead at the home of Beverly Clark who has been taken into custody pending a court appearance.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.8911987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1995 >>2527



Ms Clark Halderman was found on Friday afternoon at the home of Ms Clark, in a rural area near Chandler, about 175 miles (280km) north of Houston. She had recently written a book about her son, who led 80 people to violent death in the 1993 Waco siege.” As we had previously reported on in our January 11, 1995 report “Waco Deaths Linked To Breaking Of US Ultra Secret 'Cosmic Code'”, FSB reports on the murders of David Koresh and his followers were ordered by then US President William Clinton after Branch Davidian hackers were reported to have cracked the American Black Operations Establishment most ‘ultra secret’ code named ‘Cosmic’. Of the information gathered on US Intelligence Agencies by David Koresh and the Branch Davidians we can read as reported above by the AFPN News Service: “Two of the Branch Davidian village members had been able to hack into the Pentagon/CIA/FBI Black Ops databases, and discovered that the CIA with the utilization of the CIA's Buffalo Airlines, were daily transferring Cocaine, laundered money, special operations agents, kidnapped children for CIA pedophile programs, and arms at the World War Two runway that bordered the Branch Davidian Village. The entire village knew about the CIA's Buffalo Airlines activities that tied directly to George Bush Senior and his direct involvement with the CIA, the Mafia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and other global locations, that included the global elites intelligence operations, banking operations, drug transfers, arms transfers, child pedophile kidnapping and transfers, aircraft refueling, and global money laundering network.” Current FSB reports on the murder of David Koresh’s mother state that her death was ‘most likely’ due to the Bush-Clinton Drug Empire’s ongoing efforts in eliminating all persons having knowledge of their efforts to topple the United States Government through the destruction of their banking and economic systems utilizing the vast International power base that has long backed their regimes called the Federal Reserve System long owned by the interests of European Rothschild banking family.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.8911995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2001



Virtually unknown to the American people about the current Global economic crisis, but vitally important to note, is that its beginning started in the summer of 2008, with the combined Scotland Yard-FSB and Interpol investigation into the horrific sexual abuse, torture and murder of children at what was known as the Haut de la Garenne on the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel, and which hundreds of former child residents have testified was used for the purpose of providing to US-Israeli and European powerful elite families, children to be used in demonic ritual sex acts and ritual killings. FSB and Interpol investigators were brought into this investigation by Scotland Yard in August, 2008, after the lead British investigator reported the obstructions being placed against him in brining the perpetrators of these horrific crimes to justice, and as we can read as reported by Britain’s Telegraph News Service: “An 'old boy network' of officials is deliberately obstructing police investigating decades of alleged abuse at care homes in Jersey, according to the police officer who spearheaded the inquiry. Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper angrily hit out at the figures who he says have engaged in a 'day by day attack' on the inquiry team and the alleged victims of abuse at Haut de la Garenne and other island institutions. In his most outspoken criticism of the Jersey authorities, Mr Harper told the Telegraph: 'I can quite clearly say that the investigation is being held up. There are people on the island who just don't want us going down the route of this inquiry'.” To the importance of the Isle of Jersey to the vast American, Israeli and European Drug and Banking Empires, and its long use as a location long protected from International law, we can further read for our understanding: “The Bailiwick of Jersey is a British Crown dependency off the coast of Normandy, France. As well as the island of Jersey itself, the bailiwick includes the nearly uninhabited islands of the Minquiers, Écréhous, the Pierres de Lecq and other rocks and reefs. Together with the bailiwick of Guernsey it forms the grouping known as the Channel Islands. The defence of all these islands is the responsibility of the United Kingdom. However, Jersey is part of neither the UK nor the European Union; rather, like the Isle of Man, it is a separate possession of the Crown. Jersey belongs to the Common Travel Area.” However, once the initial FSB and Interpol reports began circulating among the West’s Intelligence services, especially the US Military, ‘immediate plans’ were put into place to destroy these powerful monsters ‘once and for all’, and which meant an ‘all out’ attack upon their source of power, the American and European private banks that for nearly three centuries have controlled virtually all the governments of the Western World and have been directly responsible for two World Wars in just the past 100 years alone.

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.8912001   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To the consequences of this Global battle currently being waged, it is well known that in their fight to keep power, these monsters are systematically looting the reserves of nearly every Western Nation and using their vast intelligence networks to instigate Total World War in what they are calling their ‘Masada Option’, and which is based upon the ancient Judean fortress that while under siege by the Roman Army choose mass suicide over surrender. Unfortunately for the American people, and who are currently in the center of this Global firestorm, the knowledge needed to either understand these complex battles, and the factions behind them, or to protect themselves and their families from the worst catastrophes to come, is not just lacking, it is nearly nonexistent. For decades these peoples have been so lied to, and deluded, that as hard as it is to image, they are even now, at this very moment, still paying billions of dollars each week in fraudulent mortgage and credit card payments to the very enemies of their own government and new President, and not even realizing that the so called ‘credit ratings’ they are trying to protect have nothing at all to do with what their true worth is, but is rather a means by these monsters to measure their worth as slaves. One can only wonder when these poor peoples will ever awaken to the monstrous fraud that has been perpetrated upon them and being protecting themselves, and their families, instead of continuing to serve the demonic slave masters still intent upon destroying them all. Additional Information Military Assistance Provided at Branch Davidian Incident - Report to the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of the Treasury - August 1999 - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE It could have all been a hoax by the department of defense?

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:23 p.m. No.8912105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2157



Hello there friend. What is the most effective way we can expose local child abuse rings? What would be the biggest tells, signs, or activities to look for that are accessible with public information that could lead to regular folks making a dent in this horrible evil?


Secondly and as an aside question, will the secrets of abundant clean energy ever come out in our lifetime to end the stranglehold over the world?

Anonymous ID: fbb88e April 24, 2020, 3:48 p.m. No.8912401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Get up to speed on Waco siege and other theories outside the MSM stranglehold.


Huge source of verified information, autopsy photos, et cetera. —


Big picture dot connecting, Israel, Mafia, CIA, kid smuggling, pentagon hack, Clintons, etcetera —


Official FBI files on waco archived 10 parts. Start, Cult Awareness Network involvement and info on other cults and "kidnappings" —