Waco diggings here. Some stuff found on reddit. Posting to activate almonds of others. Will compile into more readable better format.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7bugtm/waco_branch_davidians_conspiracy_comp_what_was_it/
Day 51interviewed Davidian Wally Kennett, who stated the ATF was in actuality not looking for an illegal arsenal when they raided Mt. Carmel on February 28, 1993. This makes sense. It explains why the ATF went ahead with the raid on February 28, when they knew that most of the arsenal (a licensed gun shop, by the way) had been taken to Austin for a gun show that morning.
What the ATF was really looking for, Kennett says, was information stored on a computer–information which had been compiled by two Davidians–Jeff Little and Wayne Martin, both of whom were later killed in the final assault. Jeff Little was known by the Davidians as a "computer expert" who had previously worked for the Yamaha Corporation, where he was involved in a project to modify a law enforcement software to contain a "trap door."
The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro,by Kenn Thomas and the late Jim Keith, details how the Reagan Justice Department stole PROMIS, a law enforcement software, from the firm INSLAW, and modified it to contain a "trap door." PROMIS was then sold by the government to various entities, such as foreign intelligence agencies. The trap door allowed outside monitoring of that agency's computer transactions.
The article "Fostergate" by Jim Norman–written for Forbes,then killed by Forbes board member Caspar Weinberger (but later published in Media By-Pass)–describes Vince Foster, the late White House Special Counsel and law partner of Hillary Clinton, as the overseer of a National Security Agency project to install the modified PROMIS in the banking industry. This was done through Foster's involvement with the Arkansas bank data company Systematics, a company connected with the NSA and CIA.