filter your tap water and shower water
"An international chorus of doctors and health experts urged people not to drink or inject disinfectant"
Common Vaccine ingredients:
Formaldehyde - DISINFECTANT
POTUS got Media and Doctors to ADMIT vaccines are not safe.
>Parents need to start spanking their kids again. A few swats on the butt does wonders.
No. As one who was treated harshly as child, it is NEVER ok to hit a child.
NEVER. Got that, you fucking ignorant child abusing asshole? kys.
it fucking well is child abuse, you fucking faggot
don't respond to me again you absolute horror show
yeah how about if we beat you now, would you like that? I'll go first you piece of shit
> loving authority requires no physical deterrent.
exactly. it's sick
given to us by none other than the SS
read Alice Miller - The Drama of the Gifted Child
you're the fucking problem. kill yourself.
or jail