Anonymous ID: 0792e8 April 25, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.8919271   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good to hear.


I have relatives who mocked me for years about 'prepping' (stocking up on TP, canned goods, physical gold, ammo, medical supplies, etc), moving to a rural area, working from home, studying the Bible as if it were about the modern era and not only thousands of years ago, looking into "conspiracy theories", etc. One of them was a total jackass about it, saying I was turning into The Unibomber. Those same people are now humbly giving me little compliments like how smart I am, and how I'm the kind of person who thinks for himself and thinks ahead. I haven't said "I told you so" to them, which I think they also respect.


Seems that most people don't actually use their minds until they are forced to. When daily life and society are enjoyable, comfortable, and predictable, they don't search for truth, and they just put their trust in whichever type of authorities they trust (whether it's religious leaders or rock stars or academics or anti-establishment rebels or politicians). But if daily life suddently turns upside down for them and all the people they know, they become open to the possibility that they don't really know what's going on and it might be time to start thinking for themselves. Maybe "shutting down the country" for a while is about breaking the mass hypnosis of normies, by interrupting their programmed routines and removing their sense of normalcy.