Anonymous ID: 172208 April 25, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.8919214   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Agreed. I work with a lot (nearly all) prior MIL, and all normies, except two. Several have been watching my FB page and have finally started to awaken. Conversations have turned towards the DS fuckery and things they have seen, that they now see clearly due to the many Anons who post things in FB. I don't have a twat account, and probably never will. I go there only to view the few Patriots who I follow (bookmarked), to see what they've Posted, and maybe share these twats with others via text, or in FB posts. The key thing I've noticed is that the amount of questions from normies have increased, and many of those questions were formed with some rational thought before asking. It's great! I wish the Boss would also keep an eye on FB more, and maybe bring some attention to FB Patriots as well. There is actually quite a bit of good stuff posted there, and good, informed Patriots bringing it to light.

Anonymous ID: 172208 April 25, 2020, 9:32 a.m. No.8919352   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Michigan's socialist democrat Governor.


>Gretchen Whitmer.


Michigan's ~~socialist~~ COMMUNIST democrat Governor.


Gretchen Whitmer.


Fixed it for you anon!


Calling them socialist helps to mean they haven't broken the Law by their treason and seditious acts. Accurately calling them communists means we are throwing light on them for breaking the Law, and at the same time, exposing their agenda.


It's like corney changing the terms he used to describe hrc's use of a private Server, to avoid using a legal term that could incriminate her and accurately describe what she was doing.


Every time we use the term "socialist" to describe "communist" activity, we are assisting [them] in their escape from justice, and we are not properly identifying information and agendas to the Normies during the formative period of their own awakening.