Anonymous ID: 3d520b April 25, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.8919138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"A Providence business is using a new technology to try and prevent the spread of the coronavirus."


"It makes my tenants feel safer, it's going to make visitors feel safer, our workers feel safer and that's what it's all about," said Joseph Paolino of Paolino Properties.

At 100 Westminster Street in Providence, Paolino Properties recently purchased several thermal cameras, created by a company called Seek Thermal.

Developed by a Brown University alumnus, Seek Scan uses thermal imaging to measure skin temperature. Upon arrival to the building, employees and guests step in front of the camera to make sure their temperature is normal. If it's not, they will be asked to step aside and take their temperature with a thermometer.

Paolino said he hopes to purchase more cameras when they become available to help scan the 800 employees who work in the building, as well as visitors on a daily basis.

"We have to adjust," he told NBC 10 News in an interview Thursday. "I want to be 10 steps ahead of where I should be. We have to think outside the box."

Anonymous ID: 3d520b April 25, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.8919306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9314



The virus is just a bad flu, mortality rates comparable to a bad flu season. Well under 2%, possibly as low as 0.3%.

The global response from governance is the killer. Shutting down food supply chains is an act of war against our populace. Corrupted officials, and ignorant boot-lickers are complying with the charade to choke off our means of survival. Factions within our government and hostile foreign actors are colluding to make We The People suffer. This is warfare, and [they] want us dead if they can't control us and leech off of our productivity.


Shutting down the global economy will kill far more than 2% if this is allowed to continue.

Anonymous ID: 3d520b April 25, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.8919395   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They need to manufacture fear and scarcity, otherwise people would realize that they have no power over us, and that food is free, it grows in the ground and with proper intentions and attention abundance can be engineered to eliminate all human suffering. They only want to engineer scarcity and dependence on their sick debt-slave system.

This whole virus scam is an authoritarian power play. Too many people have been waking up, their house of cards is crumbling. This coordinated pandemic response hoax is a desperate act from a bunch of psychotic globalist lunatics, they have little left to loose, killing mass amounts of people through starvation and mandatory lethal vaccine injection is something they are fully willing & capable of.

The virus fear is meant to make us cattle submit to vaccines that have skipped animal-safety testing, using RNA modification. They want to inject 100% of the population with drugs that cost hundreds of dollars each, under the guise of preventing deaths from a virus with <2% mortality.

It's all a power-play; force compliance and mass surveillance systems through, mandatory vaccines, gun-grabs, rake money in for pharma, cull the weak, create desperate poor work class to recruit for more wars and who will submit and work for pennies.