Anonymous ID: a66ec3 April 25, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.8919168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reposing from last night because Communist-Controlled "msm" is using the #meetoo crap to MINIMIZE REAL ABUSE AMAP while suppressing the truths regarding all the TREASON.

Faux & the other Corrupt garbage will continue to heap praise on Cuomo.

How much consideration has RUDY and his Evidence AND Witnesses been given by Faux, the supposed msm Conservative 'news' source, compared to all the tabloid-fodder BS? FREDO, along with Fat Tire Bike guy, has probably gotten more airtime than RUDY & his Evidence have!

Summary of creepy's actions:

"uncomfortable physical contact"; “inappropriately touching them in the past”

-put his hand on the back of my head and pressed his forehead to my forehead …he told me I was a 'pretty girl.'"

-held her hands and put his head close to her own

- squeezed her shoulder and complimented her smile.

making physical contact that made them uncomfortable.

- moved his hands from her shoulder to her back 

-grabbed her head to rub noses at a 2009 fundraiser (Businessinsider) All these Communist-Controlled reports” are copied, word-for-word.