Anonymous ID: cc307f April 25, 2020, 8:45 a.m. No.8919039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9044 >>9060 >>9092 >>9291 >>9420 >>9423 >>9516

‘We know’: Don Trump Jr. suggests Hillary Clinton poisoned Epstein


Donald Trump Jr. implied former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had something to do with the death of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Trump Jr. lashed out at his father's 2016 rival on Saturday, a day after she mocked the president for his offhand question asking Dr. Deborah Birx if injecting disinfectant could be a protective measure against the coronavirus. "Please don’t poison yourself because Donald Trump thinks it could be a good idea," Clinton tweeted. Clinton tweeted. "We know, we know… poison is reserved for a long list of people like Jeffrey Epstein… and servers," Trump Jr. tweeted. "Am I right?"


Questions linger in the death of Epstein, whom New York City's medical examiner said died by suicide in a Manhattan jail while awaiting trial for sex crimes. Former President Bill Clinton repeatedly flew on Epstein's private jet dubbed the "Lolita Express," in which he transported celebrities, politicians, and underage women to houses spread around the world. Flight logs show Clinton riding on the plane dozens of times, though he and his wife have downplayed their relationship with Epstein. In November 2019, Clinton laughed when Daily Show host Trevor Noah asked her how she killed Epstein.

Anonymous ID: cc307f April 25, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.8919342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CDC triples number of coronavirus symptoms, includes loss of taste or smell


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added six new COVID-19 symptoms to its website. The CDC noted that patients with the coronavirus have presented a “wide range” of symptoms, prompting the additions that have tripled the total number of COVID-19 symptoms compiled on its website. In addition to the first three symptoms (fever, cough, and shortness of breath), the CDC expanded its list by including:



Repeated shaking with chills

Muscle pain


Sore throat

New loss of taste or smell


As early as March, it became clear that many patients suffering from COVID-19 lost their sense of taste and smell. There have been reports that other potential symptoms include diarrhea, skin rashes, and a runny nose. The CDC noted that symptoms typically appear two days to two weeks after initial exposure to the contagion. It advises people who have severe symptoms to “get medical attention immediately.” The coronavirus pandemic has killed more than 52,000 people in the United States and is set to surpass 1 million confirmed cases nationwide in the coming days. The Washington Examiner reached out to the CDC for comment on this story.

Anonymous ID: cc307f April 25, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.8919375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9399 >>9413 >>9516

'Where does it stop?': Trey Gowdy condemns government overreach during pandemic response


Former federal prosecutor Trey Gowdy condemned what he described as vast government overreach in response to the coronavirus pandemic, during a conversation with former Gov. Mike Huckabee on Fox News on Friday. "The greater the freedom you infringe, the more compelling the reason has to be," Gowdy said. "So, if I'm going to imprison you or fine you for not wearing a mask, why can't I hold you down and vaccinate you against the flu this fall? I mean, you don't want the flu and COVID-19, so can I involuntarily vaccinate you? Can I show up at your house and make sure you're doing your burpees and your planks and your jumping jacks because obesity and COVID-19 don't go well together? Where does it stop?" "For government to be able to impinge on a freedom, or infringe on a freedom, there has to be a rational basis and sometimes a compelling reason," said Gowdy. "So if I'm going to tell you, governor, that you can't go visit your mom, that's a fundamental right that you have, so the reason I offer to keep you from doing that has to be incredibly compelling. It has to be more than just the governor of Michigan thinks it's a good idea."


Gowdy said people are "sacrificial" in nature and are willing to abide by reasonable regulations instilled by the government but said lawmakers go too far when they forbid the right to see family members in an effort to stave off the coronavirus. "I get encouraging people not to go see those that are vulnerable," continued Gowdy. "But asking me not to go see my mom is very different from telling me that I'm forbidden on penalty of law from going to see my mom. And that's what has the protesters and others — I'm not a protester, but I want government to explain to me, if I'm going to infringe on your freedoms, it's for a compelling reason." Gowdy then noted that people in the United States have the right to practice "civil disobedience" if their constitutional rights are undermined by public officials.


Gowdy backed Attorney General William Barr's handling of the crisis and suggested Barr would uphold constitutional rights as government officials navigate unforeseen territory. "If I tell you that you have to wear something in public, there has to be a rational basis for that," added Gowdy. "Barr is smart enough to know that, and he'll put the power of the federal government and grants for those states and municipalities who don't want to go along, with the power of the purse and the power to go to court."

Anonymous ID: cc307f April 25, 2020, 9:43 a.m. No.8919432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9440

North Korea's Kim Jong Un in a 'vegetative' state following surgical procedure: Japanese media report


A report has emerged that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un fell into a vegetative state after receiving heart surgery. The report, which was from the Japanese magazine Shukan Gendai, further compounds the mystery of where the nation’s leader has been since April 11. A member of the Chinese team of experts dispatched to North Korea allegedly told the magazine about Kim’s condition. The expert, who was not named, claimed that earlier this month, Kim grabbed his chest and collapsed to the ground. He was rushed to a hospital after receiving CPR and later underwent surgery. China was reportedly called after the incident, prompting the delegation of experts to visit the country.


It was reported Friday that the delegation was being led by a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party’s International Liaison Department. The team, which also included several doctors, left for North Korea on Thursday. On Monday, the Daily NK, a South Korean-based website, reported that Kim was recovering from a “cardiovascular surgical procedure.” CNN also reported late Monday night that the U.S. intelligence community is investigating reports that he was in “grave danger” after the surgery.


Kim was absent from the public on Friday while the country’s state-run media celebrated the 88th anniversary of the country’s armed forces. South Korean officials have said there is no evidence that Kim is unwell, although intelligence services in both South Korea and the United States have said they are monitoring the reports.

Anonymous ID: cc307f April 25, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.8919440   🗄️.is 🔗kun


