Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.8919616   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Character Assassination

COINTELPRO 2.0 Model Gangstalking Elevated to Destroy Opposition of Big Brother and the Deep State



Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.8919620   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Table of Contents

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Why is This Happening to You?

How to Solve Your Problem (FOCUS ON THIS)

Intro to COINTELPRO 2.0

Setting the Scene

A Brief Explanation

The Feeling of "They're Everywhere"

Framework of Destroying Someones Life

Touchless Assault Weapons - Radiation as a Tool

Side Effects of Radiation Exposure

Hiding Your Radiation Abuse From You

Radiation Used to Initiate Heart Attack

Pharmaceutical Assault

No Device Safe from Manipulation

Psychological Warfare

Digital Psychological Warfare

Fleecing the Sheep

Making a Mass Murderer

Food Terrorism

Money Games

Character Assassination Model

Can You Trust Your Media(Side Effect)


Mail Interception and Package Tampering

Interacting with Law Enforcement

Hedonic Adaptation (Abuse Management)

Microwave & Radio Wave Radiation (symptoms & effects on humans)

Privacy Invasion - Methods of Though

Fight Back With Liquid Ass

Evolving Narrative

Pit of Despair (engineered nervous breakdown)

Why Won't They Stop Harrassing You?

Is the Government Reading Your Mind?

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.8919623   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9645 >>9947

This might be happening for a100 reasons. Your not going to be told why it's happening because there's lots of money to be made in this industry of organized harassment and torture.


Usually it's one of five categories.


*Government Sponsored

*Corporation Hired a Private Contractor

*Organized Crime

*Municipalities or Cities

*Training New Regional Managers of the Program

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.8919624   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9674

Government-sponsored category is obviously because the government does not like you. You might have made them believe you're a terrorist. The government might see you as a obstacle that is gaining more influence then they think they can safely manage. If you found out some secret information and might be at risk for leaking it. If you did leak government information.


Lots of people who are Target's of this program are former military or intelligence. Lots of homeless people who are former military are targets of this abuse because they leaked information and the government buried them. Lots of these military and intelligence victims of this program are true patriots. Most of them just we're trying to get out information about government abuses and failed in getting the word out before they were "surrounded." Edward Snowden is a success story, there are many failed attempts at the same action.


Corporation Hired a Private Contractor or third party. This is a service that private military contractors and private intelligence companies offer many Fortune 500 companies. These companies reach out to the specialist to silence whistleblowers, to discredit companies and inventors whom they have stolen intellectual property from, or even to cause damage to a competitor by harassing one of their lead engineers or designers. Keeping them with a competitive advantage.


Organized Crime who were taught by former managers of this program who now went private sector, or taught a certain mafia/cartel the skillet for a price. The criminal organization then used their new skill set to discredit people who are witness to their crimes, and even to commit life insurance fraud by making someone perceived to have mental illness, or use the training to make them a social pariah. This criminal organization will then put into place measures to deplete the health of the target victim but doing away so it looks like natural causes. Usually by inducing cancer or some sort of specific organ failure. But that looks like a natural cause, 6 to 8 months after the person has died a large substantial illegally obtained life insurance policy will be cashed out.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.8919626   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Municipalities or cities will participate in many facets of the Cointelpro 2.0 program for gentrification to push certain people out of the community to obtain land or houses. Cities will engage a target for community social health purposes, or "taking out the trash" as most put it in these illegal kangaroo court committees. These committees are private and self-appointed and in cities with ingrained corruption into the municipality. There is not a paper trail usually, considering the numerous federal crimes committed to engage a Target. Some loosely put together some sort of kangaroo court and elect certain people from the community they think deserve mistreatment, or need to be moved for gentrification reasons. Sheriff's, judges, mayor's, and even local politicians are also involved in the decision of who to Target.


Training a new head or regional director of the COINTLEPRO 2.0 Program it's also a reason why you can be under this abuse. Usually people on the fringes of society or introverted hermits that don't have a voice or funds to make a noise about the abuse are used to train on and teach new managers this program. They are taught how to use each discipline of the COINTLEPRO 2.0 program efficiently, and how to cover up evidence of the abuse. Just being good at the abuse isnt an effective unless you know how to cover it up, or fix a mistake where the target has recorded abuse that will get them out of their torture.


This program in its more common and intense forms involves exposure to microwaves and x-rays/gamma ray radiation, financial ruin, character assassination, drugging, entrapment, and psychological torture. The video example of the honking campaign above is the mildest and rarest form of organized abuse towards a target.


Most targets health is severely damaged, reputations are dragged through the dirt, relationships are destroyed, career and finances are blacklisted and squandered trying to fight the abuse.


Many people who have the situational awareness that they are a victim of this abuse have been fighting a battle you know nothing about and only somebody who's truly been to the program can sympathize.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.8919630   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9652

How To SOLVE Your Problem


*LOGGING THE ABUSE (video, pictures that tell a story, logs of illegal access to online accounts, bank records, credit report records, identity theft proof, recorded phone calls, screenshots or video of your computer or device screens from internet NSA contractors harassing you online or modifying your computer/device)




-White Blood Cell (dips during radiation exposure)

-Blood Work

-Organ Functionality

-Changes in What Your Allergic

-Hair Loss


-Heart Rate & Heart Related Illness

-Blood Pressure

-Onset of Kidney, Liver, Pacreatic, or Gall Bladder Problems

-Brain Scan to Check for Cranial Radiation Exposure to Enduce Cancer, Strokes, Lesions, Water on the Brain

-Nerve Damage Caused by Radiation Exposure


*TRYING TO LOG EVENTS WITH THE POLICE DEPARTMENT (if they won't write a report because little evidence ask them for a Incident Report - it's a report based on your testimony not evidence but it's still logged into the law enforcement database)


*GETTING A LAWYER (if no money reach out to ACLU)



Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.8919636   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9646 >>9716

It's been covered by VICE, there have been countless documentaries about it and there is a growing number of survivors trying to reach out online to others.


Some call it gang stalking, mobbing, or contract harassment. Ultimately it's a method of torture that uses a system of abuse The FBI used for decades up until it was declassified during the Nixon administration. The methods employ psychological warfare techniques meant to degrade your life and break your will


Known by those contracted to do it, as a Celebrity Cruise but its original name was COINTELPRO


Cointelpro was Declassified during the Nixon Administration. The tactics were originally created as a recipe any federal or regional government organization within its jurisdiction could easily replicate to disrupt. COINTELPRO was used on the Black Panther Political Parties and to squash Communist Party organizers in the United States during the 60s and 70s, but later these skills got passed down to private sector security contractors as public sector Intel employees who went to the private sector.


During the 80's 90s and early to 2k's these tactics were turned inward to squash anti-government dissidents, government leakers, and even to destroy personal & political rivals.


The best way to understand how the FBI Cointelpro program works is to set the scene. We're going to create a hypothetical situation that will run parallel to a person's life. We will call her Heather and then show you the simple tactics and the subtle nudges that are used to discredit truth sayers, assassinate someone's character and leave them with nothing, not even there health in the end. This initial introduction will show how a person's actions can be manipulated to leave a person without a support network to help them.


In the next video, we will introduce you to Heather and show you how in just four days these tactics can start removing cornerstones in a person's life. I'm creating this video series because I personally have gone through this experience myself, and I am still reverse-engineering the damage done, but I would like to pass on what I have learned to you. So please, use this information purely for educational uses, not to hurt your enemies, or cause harm to anyone you might consider your adversary, for any reason.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.8919641   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Imagine you're living your day-to-day, and you're in your car getting into a heated argument with a friend. After the clash, you part ways and go home to go to sleep because you have work in the morning

On your way to work the next day, you stop to get a coffee while and you're waiting in line somebody behind you repeats verbatim and mockingly the most heated moment of yesterday's argument you turn around the person smiles, coughs twice and leaves

This is usually the beginning of the victim's awareness of their celebrity cruise or COINTELPRO ride has started

That first encounter seems weird but you shrug it off you mentioned it to your significant other later that day

later that night you're on your phone and you notice a story in your feed mentioning how your significant other is more likely to cheat in the morning

Before you go to bed your partner will tell you they're going to meet a friend at the gym in the morning and it puts you on guard

In the morning, you're driving to work in your car playing Pandora radio and a commercial for a local PI that specialize in cheating spouses comes on in between songs

On your lunch break, you realize your partner hasn't called you all day and as you scroll your feeds on your lunch break you see a comment mentioning how YOU are abusing your mentor position at church and that no one likes you

you shake it off, save the post to comment later then go back to work

You get to your desk and shortly after one of your clients calls and chew you out for an unfulfilled purchase order, the person yells at you is very rude then hangs up

At the end of work, you notice your significant other still hasn't called you which makes you suspicious by this time and you pick up dinner. Before going home and while in line at the grocery store a stranger says your name while having a conversation with another person but to mention in the conversation how her friend had to leave her church group to save her marriage

On your way home your streaming service plays nothing but songs about cheating boyfriends you get home and see your significant other with another person of the opposite sex, you get out of the car your spouse says his phone didn't work all day for some reason and his card isn't working so he couldn't buy gas that's why the person (who is also female) drove him home, not to mention she is a new client of his

You both get in the house and an argument starts. You accuse your spouse of cheating, she gets mad and leaves

You eat dinner by yourself go back and check on that negative comment you saw online at lunch but it's not there anymore

Suddenly you're waking up, not remembering falling asleep and you hear a noise in your house so you call out your spouse with no answer. Hear a door slam then silence

You text your partner "why'd you leave?"

they reply "I haven't been back and I'm still mad talk to you later"

Now that you know that wasn't your spouse you check your house find nothing but the lights on and open cabinet doors but nothing missing

You call the cops, they checked the house and see nothing missing or out of place. The police then ask you things like if you've been abusing alcohol or drugs.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.8919642   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

You reply in defense of yourself but the cops refused to file a report since they've seen nothing like a threat and asked if you would like to see a psychiatrist you refuse, claim you're not crazy and they leave

So, now you're unable to sleep now and go to work as the morning arrives

After you arrive your boss asks to meet you, tells you a large client you maintain called and is taking her business elsewhere and because of this you are fired

you clean out your office and now you're on your way home to a house you don't feel safe at upon arriving you see that your significant other is moving his stuff out while you were at work and after another fight, he leaves

Now home alone in your house stressed out and not feeling safe you try to wind down with some wine in your Harvard College sweats and watch some TV

Pull out your phone and scroll your fees and begin seeing ads for the exact same Harvard sweatshirt you're wearing

You getting creeped out by that so you go to Reddit to get away from your social media and start seeing posts about "how did you cause your break up?" then a post about how "Unless you went to Harvard you shouldn't wear the sweatshirt" but after that I post about "My friend Heather is a fuck-up, how should I tell her?"

Okay a little creepy but you clicked on it because you're curious is start to scroll down on the comments restart off mention how horrible Heather is, saying that she's a fuck-up at work, another saying "that she's a wino and never be smart enough to go to Harvard"

You have now reached, situational awareness, you are being watched and your watchers feel like they are in such a good position to do so, that they can directly ridicule you

Your phone freezes up then turns off but you already know now that you're being watched right now. The situational awareness stage is about 6 months to a year into your COINTELPRO AKA celebrity cruise, but most importantly now you know you have an enemy who's embedded themselves in your life.

So now let's backtrack through the past 4 days in the breakdown of what's happened here, and the way Heather's life was hijacked and simple methods to invade her life without her knowing

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.8919648   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

So day one wasn't actually day one. Previous to day one Heather's background was gone through with a fine-toothed comb for about six weeks to six months prior. Her friends, family, & associates were thoroughly researched and have been possibly contacted by her provocateurs. Posing as new church members, local neighbors, & concerned police claiming to care about Heather's well being.


Her computer and phone were hacked into, as well as other smart devices. Overall, data has been getting gathered via her phone and personal network much longer than she understands.


So for all intents and purposes, you can start to understand where something strange can seem like just a coincidence & quickly start to pop up over and over again.


Monday, the stranger at the coffee shop, heard her car argument live via a hot mic from her phone which is why he was able to mock the tone, timing, and words with such accuracy, ensuring she would take notice.


Then later that night on her phone, she was getting shown clickbaity stories about her significant other cheating, most likely was some evolution of the prism software, Edward Snowden, is so famously known for revealing.


Coincidentally, Heather's partner also tells her that he is leaving to meet a friend in the morning. This probably means his phone is also hacked, and the people who've been contracted to manipulate Heather's internet are using information from a phone call he had earlier that day. So what would be a normal situation now has been seeded with doubt for Heather


Something that would have tipped Heather off would be the dates of the posts because the news article she read from her feed about cheating spouses in the morning was actually from months prior. This allows it to look like the algorithm picked the story, and wasn't injected into her feed. One of the tricks this social media feed tweaking software does is inject things into your newsfeed hoping to give you an emotional response or even something called behavioral priming. Something you see as just an algorithm to put content in your feed can be edited and hijacked to nudge your behavior.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8919651   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Day 3 when Heather was listening to music on the phone Advanced prism-like software and Industry level back doors have now turned every app, notification and even function in Heather's phone into something that can be easily edited.


Her phone is less of a pocket computer and now more of a window of what they want heather to see & hear


Later that day our mark, Heather, sees comments that bad mouth her activities at church, then later that night it's gone. The official name for this is the sock puppet account, and this kind of tactic is used to get a response, then delete the original comments so just your crass comments to the harassment are left for your friends to see, but the sock puppets are gone.


Sock puppet refers to accounts on social media that seem friendly or ones that you follow you but aren't in fact copies, or mirrors of friends accounts used to cause strife, confusion or give you conflict igniting information and then remove it after the objective is met.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8919653   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9670

The lady on the phone at work probably did send her order in time and Heather did her job too but this is what having a hacked computer will do your performance at work. Once your work computer is hacked an agent can hide files, use databases and manage email as if they were sitting right there at the computer. This is possible by the creation of something called RAT or R-A-T software, short for remote access tools.


Believe it or not, presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke was a hacker in the group called Cult of the Dead cow which developed early versions of the software to back door and remotely operate windows computers, much like how Heather's phone is being manipulated now


This software could have easily been installed by a cleaning service, malicious email or even physical contact with the device weeks prior


We're moving fast but we're going to go over each step in detail after this short explanationโ€ฆand if you watch each micro clip explaining every element of this targeted harassment, you can build a congruent picture and even help others who don't understand they are targets of this abuse.


Now the mark, Heather, who is stressing about her boyfriend could also have had his phone controlled by this same back door software & had his SIM card copied. Regardless of the method to gain control, gatekeeping traffic such as messages, alerts, app traffic, etc; and depending on the hack could shut the phone off or even brick the device.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8919657   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Most people see your phone as a mini-computer where you keep your personal info on and keep not so private things in the cloud. The reality is, your phone can be converted into just a window into the web. With the right access, a government worker or contractor can gain access add & removes files, even remote control actions on your phone itself as the user


Moving on day 3 and Heather can't reach her boyfriend, she had a bad day at work and now she's out the grocery store and people start having a conversation right next to her and she notices because she hears her name


Hearing your name is an obvious trigger just like the phrase "trigger warning" you hear a word or phrase that sets you off or grabs your attention, the way this was used was a harassment method called indirect conversation


This allows a person to address the target with information or harassing words without actually talking to them, then use that opening listening channel to communicate an idea whether it's harassing or something that the target can digest and associated with ideas later in the day that is also part of this harassment


On the way home, she listens to what seems random but is a very curated list of songs reinforcing seeds of ideas pertaining to possible infidelity of her spouse, So when she gets home and sees her other half with another woman it triggers an emotional response associated with the idea that she must have a cheating partner

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8919663   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

After her fight with her boyfriend, she's home alone and she eats her food and then she wakes up some hours later. when she wakes up and the drama of the home intruder happens, it's coordinated, and her food was laced with a sedative at the actual restaurant.


These little intrusions making her come to the realization that she is not safe nor will her private life be, but she sure as hell can try and call the cops who are most likely for sale and they have no problem with fucking her over for a quick buck while she tries to fight this threat off


Day 4, Heather's sleep cycle or circadian rhythm has been now hijacked and that booby trap at work that's been set with the pissed-off client is now costing Heather her job, she goes home to a now empty house she no longer feel safe in and she is well aware that she is being watched and the police will not help her


This puts her at the beginning of what is called a pit of despair mindset or conditioned helplessness, and the beginnings of years of her life wasted. She will extinguish all her resources and relationships trying to fight this.


Does this sound like somebody you know?. Could you be getting into a career where telling the truth is an option you're always going to take? If this sounds like you or somebody you know, or if you're just curious of how this formula for destroying a life is done its important for you to listen to me as I will give you a field guide for surviving COINTELPRO 2.0 torture


This preliminary video is to lay a groundwork for expectations and understanding. In the next short videos, we will give you a 360 for each piece of the recipe, that can upheaval even millionaires and politicians, let alone an American citizen who has a high respect for exposing the truth.

The Feeling of "They're Everywhere"

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.8919667   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

So You got a quick rundown of the COINTELPRO 2.0 program. Let's go through the fundamentals of the program & help you better understand each element that builds the torture program.

First and foremost you got to understand how corruption ecosystems work.


Depending on where you live this will vary, but we will use San Diego, the location of my abuse, as a model.


Corruption ecosystems usually overlap, just like most other companies, organizations & networks. As you can see in the diagram, one hand shakes the other. This is necessary for organized crime, and underground economies to exist and survive

Going around the diagram we have corrupt law enforcement. Organized Crimes like Mafia and Cartels. Government Contractors who believe it or not do COINTLEPRO 2.0 as a service, Organized crime, Con artist groups which will be also contracted out usually to find a mark and gain access to their personal life and effects.


Some of these groups like city committees, women's groups, or even a Masonic fraternity has some high ranking people who will be leveraged to spread false narratives about a COINTELPRO target. Either through manipulation or a mutual agreement. Corrupt civil service organizations such as mental health, community clinics, city resource programs, and charity organizations. Let me repeat not all people who participate in harassment are nefarious. Some have been manipulated into cooperating by rumors or manipulated digital media to get people's cooperation.


So when you get to a point in your COINTELPRO 2.0 torture that you think " Everyone's trying to get you" it might actually just be federal law enforcement, or Government private contractor with a private client utilizing these overlapping corruption networks, or Civic groups participating under a false narrative. Thinking they are some sort of "deputized citizen" taking out the trash. Lots of these local groups cling to these false eviction causes because it gives their life a little excitement, and they feel like they are enacting social justice. A common phenomenon online, that has seen some tragic repercussions.


So during your torture, for whatever reason it began, try no to cling to the idea, "Everyone is out to get you" people might be misinformed, or it's just criminals being criminals. It's nothing personal, it's just business.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.8919675   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9842

Now destroying a life relies on a set of rules based on established and proven psychological models. Namely, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.


The one I found that fits the abuse COINTELPRO 2.0 employs, is based off of what most psychology students have seen, Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


This is a great model because it gives a simple diagram on what to focus on first, and what's most important as you chip away at someone's life.




This is first used to destroy the things you use to express yourself, and to define you amongst others. Could even be your career.


So your favorite hobbies, favorite activities, and even charity, social groups that give you stayed, etc. Groups associated with a career that defines you.


The things that fulfill you emotionally will be targeted first, with the end goal of you not enjoying anything, just trying to survive.


Now those who are contracted or participate in your abuse, will sabotage these activities by harassing you while you are doing them, or sabotage your friend group within those activities so you no longer enjoy participating in them, in fact you'll avoid them all together. This sabotage can manifest itself into a physical altercation where you were hurt or embarrassed in front of your peer group. It can be an injury that occurred during participating in these activities, so you associate pain and fear with the act. Or the abusers will manufacturer a situation where you are ousted from your group by a false accusations.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.8919677   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Esteem Needs


Things you've accomplished which define important milestones of your life, or demonstrate your status within your peer group. These's accomplishments will be attacked making others made to believe they were aquired falsely, by cheating, or complete lies all together. Whether or not these accusations or digging up your past to invalidate these accomplishments are true or not is not important. What's important is the fact that the things people know you by or hold you in esteem for have had doubt casted on them whether or not you actually accomplish those things. This is to destroy your reputation on a values basis. Nobody likes a phony, and sewing that doubt about your life accomplishments makes you seem like a fake person, and can do massive damage to your social life and career if the correct events or achievements have been tarnished.


Love & Fellowship


You are defined by your peers. They also hold you up more than you know. So destroying these relationships, whether it be friends or family or even acquaintances you know around town. These bonds will be tested and stressed based on their importance within your researched social group. If you have borrowed money from a relative, those contracted to destroy your life will create a financial emergency in that friend or family's life and then remind them that you need to pay them or that they did a favor for you and now it's time for you to pay it back. It will then be made almost impossible for you to fulfill this, damaging your relationship with that person.

They could introduce someone into your significant other's life who encourages them to cheat and is everything that you aren't. This person is known by the nickname of "a rake" in the con artist world. A rake will find all the things you're inadequate on and be those things plus what you're already good at. They all use technology to remind your significant other of past relationships, and how life was so much better when they were with someone else.

What's important to your abusers is destroying any bond you might have in your life so you can't use your close family and friends for help when you get to later stages of this destruction.

You will even be tempted to talk badly about others. You'll be told a piece of gossip that isn't true and then your reaction to that false information about a friend or family member will be recorded, and then played back to them out of context, but it won't matter because the damage is already been done.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.8919682   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

When you are noticing strife and complications in one relationship in your life another fracture will be started in another important relationship you're not even thinking about. This is to always keep you on edge and keep a constant state of urgency so you don't have time to think or understand what's going on.


Personal Safety & Basic Needs


After a significant amount of damage has been done to your interpersonal relationships, The contractors or perpetrators will move on to invading your personal security.

They will first make sure they have the right police paid off, and consult with local crime bosses to make sure they're not stepping on any toes. In fact they might even hire them to enact most of the abuse to keep their hands clean.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.8919684   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Your home will be invaded constantly, they will let you know they are in your house by leaving lights on or leaving a bunch of food out on a counter. It's nothing that looks like someone tried to damage your things, but just to let you know that somebody continues to gain access to your home and personal effects and there's nothing you can do about it. This is to make you not feel safe in your own home.


The cops that would most likely be called to your house will be paid off, or have other crooked cops try and damage your personality with them, so it'll be easier for these civil servants to not help you, or they might even aid in the abuse because they have been corrupted.


Any police reports you try to file will be stonewalled, never filed, or they will try to declare you something called 5150 which is crazy. The police might refuse to continue to take your reports as your home, business, and personal effects are constantly broken into, until and already corrupt psychiatrist who already works with private security contractors has been lined up for your psychological evaluation. So in order to get the police to report anything you, you'll have to go through a psychological evaluation that's already been tipped in the favor of your abusers.


Keep in mind your home is already been broken into well before you even realize, to plant listening bugs, so they can catch any kind of audio or video they could use to damage your reputation. The main reason for invading your personal space is to make you feel helpless and psychologically break you.


This is when they try to break your will so you don't try to defend yourself because it just becomes such an inconvenience that it's just something you deal with and now a major portion of this abuse has become normalized. Eventually, you'll stop caring that your home is no longer a safe place. Its what lots of sex trafficking victims go through, a pit of Dispair.


You might even be assaulted quite a few times to make you feel weak or to make you weak so you won't try to continue to defend yourself to avoid further injury

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.8919687   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Basic Needs


After they've worked hard at trying to break your will, they will move on to hardcore bedrock factors that just keep your basic needs going. This is known as the physiologicall needs tier.

So now that things that make you happy in life have been taken from you, your accomplishments and things that defined you have been called into question, your personal relationships have been weakened or broken altogether, and now that you've been psychologically broken to not even try to defend yourself at this point. The last tier is to push you to a major breaking point.


The break-ins will move on to tampering with your food which will constantly be making you ill. They will use normal everyday over-the-counter items added to your food that won't show up on a normal medical test because it doesn't cause any alarms. But everything turns into poison with the right over dosage. They might use borax, baking soda, lead solutions, excessive liquid ibuprofen or laxatives. Even small doses of rat and herbicidal poison which add up over time. They might use things like hormones and psychotropic drugs to alter your mental and emotional state which will become useful in many different ways for your provocateurs to film your reactions to use for further character assassination. They'll even bank this footage of you for a rainy day, and as you make a step towards solving your problem, the harassers will release a clip they've been holding onto.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.8919689   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

dosing of drugs or poison will begin to erode your health and has probably been going on while you've been distracted by other parts of Maslow's tier being taken from you.


Just your ability to drink water will be severely stressed. Lead pellets can be put into your water filters at home, your drinks will be tampered with in your refrigerator, things will be added to the water tank in your house so when you take a shower you become ill you won't notice it because it'll slowly happen with low dosages over time.


Now that so many of your relationships have been stressed and your honesty has been called in the question, most likely by this time your employment options (if you haven't already been put on a blacklist and fired) have been eliminated. Only to leave you to minimum wage jobs.

at this point, you most likely will have to find other means of housing, move in with a relative or friend. You can only hope to have anything left after your personal relationships have been stressed and eliminated.


Something you possibly haven't been paying attention to as well is that when this all first begin, your provocators also have been doing things to slowly manipulate your circadian rhythm or your body's natural fluctuations of rest and alertness, this will cause mental stress on you, and depression that you are unprepared to add to your stress load.


It will cause you to lose your cool at work, it will cause you to say things and act in ways which you wouldn't normally act, and will further help perpetuate a narrative that perhaps you are becoming mentally ill when in fact it's all these forms of abuses in concert.


**Now you can't always think that this will happen in a straight line like this. Yes as your options become more and more limited throughout the COINTELPRO 2.0 process, things will follow a sort of a linear path where the things most important to you will become all but a distant memory.


Different parts of this hierarchy will take longer than others so your bottom one which would be your health and security might be slowly done to you while you're being distracted by trying to repair a personal relationships or prove to everyone that you are not a phony or did not use lies to gain your status in life.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.8919692   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

What is important is to know is how all of these work and how they will be used against you. There are so many ways to attack these different tiers of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but ultimately it gives them a framework of things your contracted provocateurs need to focus on in order to complete the job.


At the bottom tier is really important because when you get to the point where you can't keep a roof over your head or all your options have been eliminated, You're saving Grace of a distant relative or acquaintance taking you in might be another spider's web.


There are lots of people who have a price that you would not think would. After your reputation has to bend demolished, selling you out won't be a far-fetched proposition for people who still know your name.


At this point, you have to understand that organized crime or security contractors are very well versed in using all parts of a person up. They will use you at different times during this elimination of each major cornerstone of your life.

in order to gain your reputation back, they might organize a situation that will further damage your reputation when you think it might redeem it.

While you're trying to restore a relationship they might be setting another up for sabotage that's more important than you think. When the relationship is over they might even try to encourage a significant other or even blackmail your significant other after you have part ways with you into drug or sex trafficking.


They might use your financial stress as a way for you to sell your items for pennies on the dollar and masquerade as some random people off of craigslist or some friendly local to buy your car but at a massively reduced price and then they will flip those goods making a profit.


They might break into your house, place cameras and then start broadcasting your personal life for the people who paid to have your life turned upside down as entertainment. Making money on the live stream believe it or not. If you're a female, they might put cameras in your shower, your bedroom, etc.


Finally, as your health wanes, they can even organize it where they can commit life insurance fraud after you pass.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.8919693   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Since you're alienated and you've stopped trying to fight back, people constantly breaking into your house, they'll take important papers and may even forge your signature on things. Then, up to your microdoses of poison in various forms. Grooming products, beverages, food, etc

This will eventually bring on early death.


Since most or all of your relationships have been strained or eliminated, no one will check to see whether or not someone is using your identity after you're gone or have used your death in a way to commit life insurance fraud.


Organized crime and security contractors are like the indigenous tribes when it comes to these criminal acts. They know how to use EVERY part of a person up until there's nothing left. They can turn anything into money or an opportunity. Especially since most people contracted to do this have previously worked in government. Hell, they even might have had a long career in organized crime, where they know the ins and outs and how they can get away with murder.


Your best defense for this is to strengthen yourself from the bottom up once you know or notice strife happening in your life.


You must secure your home & belongings,

you might need to make your friends and family aware that you are coming under fire and people might try to weaken your relationship with them.


Let your work and co-workers know that you are being harassed by an unknown source and it's causing stress on your life and you apologize in advance for anything that might come of this abuse.


Most importantly you must be strong physically and emotionally. You must not stop persisting to protect yourself, something that your harassers have advantage of is they probably already have audio and video on you 24/7. Speak as if your running for president, even in private. It sounds silly, but a good model to follow to avoid video to be taken out of context and passed around social media. Even though deep fakes exist, something called artifacting algorithms exist to determine the authenticity of the video, but you need to know how to play with code to get most to work. So the every day person won't know what they are seeing passed on social media or private chat is real or not.


Get a reliable safe (from a locksmith not online), bolt it to the floor, Don't put anything important on your devices and stop using Wi-Fi completely. Lock up all your digital devices in a safe when you're not using them or keep them within eyeshot of you at all times.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.8919696   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Get a backpack and put your everyday hygiene products in them along with a water filter, a cell phone or digital device quiet bag, and a RFID blocking wallet inside the backpack. Keep it with you at all times. Keep eyes on your phone, make sure no one has flashed a modification to your OS or cloned your SIM card. Take the zippers handles that dangle off the Zipper mechanism off to make it harder for harassers to pick pocket youto swap out your goods with tainted ones (this happens a lot).


If they have audio and visual on you, then your provocators know when an opportunity can arise. Don't use wifi you don't know how to personally lock down "back and front". They could invade your digital life and use that as a way to track your GPS location, listen to your conversations or even capture important passwords and financial information to further ruin you.


Find ways to make money other than your job. Having multiple strings of income makes it difficult to target you for abuse.


Finally you want to get a lawyer and let him know what's going on. Get a friend or relative to give you a recommendation, do not go off your phone, or home computer considering your internet search results could even be manipulated to make sure you go into the hands of another predator.


Now there's no way to foolproof your life from this but there are ways to make it extremely difficult, and even roadblock your harassers from further knocking out these important cornerstones of your life.


I hope you get introduced to my video series during the beginning of your abuse and not during the tail end of it.


What's important is to have a language for your abuse. Identification of your enemy or their tactic makes it harder for them to be successful at it

I encourage you to continue watching this series as we continue to add to it, to protect people who are victims of COINTELPRO 2.0

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.8919707   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Maybe the craziest part of COINTELPRO 2.0 torture is the touchless abuse that victims will receive. On top of your life being attacked from all angles, you also have to deal with "invisible pain."


Radiation Used As a Weapon


Radiation via industrial applications are used against you in various ways. They tech will also be repurposed to expose you to radiation in clever and new ways. What do I mean by REPURPOSED?


Let me tell you a very short story to illustrate.


This is Emile Leray, he got stuck in the desert when he crashed into a rock He REPURPOSED his car into a motorcycle to escape being stranded and dying in the desert, like so.




So taking the same principal. A Industrial used for radiation as a tool, like these below.




Can be repurposed and into your upstairs neighbor's or hotel room room above you's rolling luggage.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.8919709   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0083

Cancer Caused by Ionic Radiation Exposure


Most types of leukemia (although not chronic lymphocytic leukemia)

Multiple myeloma

Thyroid cancer

Bladder cancer

Breast cancer

Lung cancer

Ovarian cancer

Colon cancer (but not rectal cancer)

Esophageal cancer

Stomach cancer

Liver cancer


Skin cancer (besides melanoma)


You will not start to become aware of the effects of the ionic radiation(cancer causing) after 18 months to 3 years of exposure if at all. I understand you can't feel radiation, but after 3 years of focused prolonged exposure, you WILL feel your nervous system cry out during exposure in hot spots. Some may not feel burning, but you may feel an achiness like quickly onset arthritis. This is all personal experience, having interacting with metal that was radiated in a phone case, and sitting in chairs where the hardware (screws) was radiated and put back into the chair.


Nerve damage is VERY REAL.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.8919712   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

There is also many numerous other side effects to radiation exposure. You can read more at by clicking on the link. This is usually for cancer patients, so a 6 month cancer treatment is nothing like years of low yeild & focused exposure. Considering that isn't what radiation is used for or in any medical application, the side effects of 18 months to 3 years of it being pointed at you spine, or legs(like myself), or what ever isn't exactly logged in the science books that I can find so far. If you're willing to let scientist point ionizing radiation at your healthy body for the medical documentation, please let me know the study your a part of.


You can also die of stroke from radiation exposure, even if your young and healthy.



Non Ionic (non cancer causing) radiation effects will be felt almost immediatly. Although low amperage radio waves can and might be beamed to where you lay your head at night. Creating the feeling of a severe head ache or hangover feeling.


Ionizing radiation is used primarily as a "Death by a Thousand Cuts" type of murder. This method is used so there is no official crime scene, it's anywhere and everywhere.


Your body will reach a peak where you have received too much radiation, and radiation sickness will occur. Feeling of nausea, urge to throw up, overheating, and sudden urge to shit yourself is a key indicator of radiation poisoning.

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8919722   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Its important to be aware it will be used to make you ill, envoke malaise at key action points where you need to be proactive to collect evidence, report sloppy crime (easliy provable) related to your abuse, to communicate without words by using the negative effects of the feeling of radiation to tell you to stop an action, slow death by "death by a thousand cuts" using continuous small over reccomended amounts or ioniing radiation to destroy your body from the inside (injested & beamed), and for pavlovian behavioral "programming" to create associations with random sounds/words/colors/items/behaviors to embed new behaviors to control your actions.


like pavlovs dog, when the stimulus was initiated ( bell rung ) the dog anticipated a treat after conditioning, after a while, the dog would involuntarily salivate when it heard the bell


This is used in the same way, but with the harmful side effects radiation exposure has on the human body - using pain to control you but from a distance or invisably through the radation exposure


Radiation weapons will be built from indutrial applications like oil pipe radiography equipment seen in the image & Video below

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.8920065   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Assassins Decree

Gangstalking is big business





Survival Guide

Anonymous ID: d2a319 April 25, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.8920077   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Gangstalking is big business





Survival Guide