Anonymous ID: fc51af April 25, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.8920316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8918961 (PB)

Being laughed at fuels the inner rage of patient men. Are you a patient man or are you an easily-triggered boy?

>>8918937 (PB)

Actually, the article says that, for now, masks ARE a challenge … not a solved problem.

Since the current masks don't filter or kill viruses, why not make them of "emergency blanket" material and make the reading of skin temperature to determine features just that much more difficult? Wanna get crazy? Wire a button battery to an infrared LED inside the mask. The scanning software will think it got a good scan (or that you are Rudolph), but there will never be a match. IR LEDs on the brim of hats only work until the software learns to mask that part of the screen. Let it think it got a good scan, instead, by letting it find heat where it was expected.

The way to defeat facial recognition software is to convince the human operators that it is more effort than it is worth.

That said, apparently the Chinese have begun identifying people based on their gait. That can probably be fixed by wearing ankle weights on one ankle or the other .. or wearing knee braces or a lift in one shoe or two different shoes. Probably.

The problem will be when the state decides that being unable to identify you should result in an automatic detention and there are not enough unidentifiables to swamp the system. (This is a great opening for crappy software …)

>>8918867 (PB)

Finally – an adult!

>>8918870 (PB)

Is there some law that keeps you from at least noting what composition is being played?

A simple "Requiem For a Venereal Wart in A minor by D. Alpha Tocopherol featuring E. Zlay" would be nice.

>>8919230 (PB)

Gaps in my local store, except for paper towels and shit paper, are hit or miss. Mostly just a matter of limited variety – for instance, a less than complete Hormel and Chef Boy Ardee section – you perhaps cannot get your first choice, but an adequate substitute of minimal nutritional value is nearby. The produce section seems to be about the same as before. The baking goods aisle is full. The deli is still open. The margarine and individual cheese slices were wiped out last night. The prepared foods freezer was less than full, but it seemed like all the products had at least some representation. The ice cream freezer was well stocked. >>8919238 (PB)

Yabbut … the FDA didn't approve the test ahead of time and there was no control group (except for the rest of the state!)

>>8918968 (PB)

You know shit is happening when THEY send YOU links to stuff like that.

>>8919282 (PB)

Jehovah's Witnesses, for decades, would not accept transfusions. They found that what was needed was volume, so they pushed for the use of volume expanders. This is actually the gold standard because it completely eliminates any risk of infection from transfused blood. You can get by on a remarkably low hematocrit count IF you have sufficient volume.

>>8919124 (PB)

I'm all in favor of prosecuting the shits … but we also need to focus on tomorrow. How do we keep them from ever gaining a toehold again?

We already know who needs to be "dealt with". That's been pretty much talked to death. But if our focus isn't on the future, others will shape it instead.