Calif. Had Emergency Pandemic Supplies Available, But Dismantled Program In 2011
As millions of Californians struggle under the crushing lockdown imposed by Governor Gavin Newsom, it appears the worst of this pandemic could have been avoided. The state is currently in short supply of equipment to fight the coronavirus outbreak, including hospital beds, respirators and ventilators.
However, back in 2006, California had all those things and more: numerous mobile hospitals the size of football fields with up to 200 beds, 50 million N95 respirators, 2,400 portable ventilators, ICU units and even surgical suites with X-ray equipment. …
The emergency hospitals, medical equipment, medicine and all the supplies were defunded. Governor Brown remarked that the programs weren’t needed, because a pandemic “never occurred.”
However, after the state recovered from the recession, one radical left-wing governor after another failed to take action, despite a $2.8 billion surplus in 2016, a $9 billion surplus in 2018 when Gavin Newsom was elected, and a $21 billion surplus in 2019.
Even as California was devastated by the worst wildfires in the state’s history, Newsom refused to fund an emergency program that would have made doctors and nurses much better prepared to handle the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Overall, cutting these programs only saved Californians $5.8 million each year, which is just a fraction of the more the $200 million Gavin Newsom is giving in free health care to illegal aliens. …
Same as NY…