The Reason Government Tramples the Unalienable Rights of the American People
Shat rarely, if ever discussed out here, but it's reality . . .
United States is a corporation as defined in Title 26-IRS Code.
United States citizens are created as franchises/property of the corporation.
Corporate citizens.
Maxim of Law: That which one creates, one controls.
United States citizens obtain their "rights" (privileges) from the government corporation.
14th Amendment created the United States citizen, citizen of the United States.
One's political status is of absolute importance.
United States citizens are not the same as We, the People.
American state nationals are We, the People.
We, the People have unalienable rights endowed by our creator.
We, the People created government with our delegated powers as sovereigns.
We, the People are party to and fully protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We, the People were/are misclassified as United States citizens rather than American state nationals, Virginians, Texans, Californians, etc.
A process that starts while still babies, before leaving the hospital.
It is complete fraud as the people are never told they have a choice.
Changing another's political status without full disclosure is against the law.
United States, Inc., a government services corporation was created to provide 19 enumerated services and no more.
United States, Inc. is NOT owned by We, the People.
United States, Inc. can trample the rights (privileges) of its corporate citizens/franchises.
However, United States, Inc. is bankrupt.
Power over government can only be returned to We, the People; reclaimed by We, the People
We created it. That which one creates, one controls.
United States citizens have no power, citizens did not create the government.
United States citizens are governed by statutes and codes.
We, the People are governed by natural law and unalienable rights.
The history of this goes back to the Civil War and well before that even.
Moar digging for you if so inclined.
Want to do something while waiting for Q and the Plan?
Want to tell the United States, Inc. and the State/local government corporations to fuck off?
Reclaim your rightful political status as an American state national and sovereign.
There is a process.
P.S. This system of corporate feudalism was created and is run by the same Satan worshiping, child sacrificing, blood drinking mother fuckers we all want brought to justice. It's all connected and based on their lust for power and wealth.