Anonymous ID: c9daf1 April 25, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.8925299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5308 >>5324


Those Lying Goddamn Corona Chinc Commies


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Everyone of course has missed the real story in the story that the Coronavirus has now mutated into 30 different strains, from the 8 which were known and 40 mutations.


Time for you to read the headline and the quote as your wee minds have not figured this out yet.


Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains, study finds


The novel coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different genetic variations, according to a new study in China.

The results showed that medical officials have vastly underestimated the overall ability of the virus to mutate, in finding that different strains have affected different parts of the world, leading to potential difficulties in finding an overall cure.

The study, which was carried out by professor Li Lanjuan and colleagues from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, was published in a non-peer reviewed paper released on Sunday.


Ok for the hotdish analysis.


If you don't like hotdish, make it a casserole, but no tuna noodle shit, as that stuff should be banned to feeding those goddamn lying Chinamen Coronavirus breeders.


Ok, the Chinese said that the Coronavirus has mutated to 30 different strains.


How did it do that?




Remember now that China has not had any deaths, no infections, not even a bad plate of Chow Mein for months, as Coronavirus was vanquished, wiped out, kaput. So as virus were not mutating in Wuhan Labs, the virus was mutating in PEOPLE. Gee that would mean that China has been having mass infections for this entire time, and those lying goddamn commie bastards have been endangering the world again.


This is Lame Cherry catching those slant eyed half brains lying. The stats they have been releasing to the world have all been fake.


Now with that revelation revealing in your wee minds, let me tell you something about this biological weapon, there is absolutely not any way these two viruses mutated into 30 different strains, any more than they mutated into 8 different strains, and they were designer tastes in liking to kill only Italians, Spanish, Negroid, Turban heads, Mexicans…….just like someone designed each of these strains, so it was a designed spread for effect, and someone who stopped the Chinese PLA first strike against the world to kill it, gave those smug Peking prostitutes, a bit of a return in Coronavirus interest, which is a wonderful return………..2 viruses dumped into the West and they got 30 in return to kill those slant eyed bastards.


You do realize that the CIA and DOD have been taking shit samples and blood samples, in searching for something. like they were searching for these 30 viruses to see if they had appeared in the United States, after being sown into China, after the borders were closed.


One wonders what kind of mass nuclear retaliation would occur if these viruses appeared or if this is why President Trump is trying to mass herd Americans to contract the inoculation strain, before these 30 other biological weapons appear in America by fiat again.


So this blog has proven correct again by God's Grace, that Grace stated that millions in China have died, and the infection was far beyond that immense number, and we know this by God's Grace as the Lame Cherry informed you the only way viruses mutate is inside Chinese bodies, and these biological weapons were promised to not mutate beyond the 2 when this started as a certainty…….which means the group behind the original counterstrike have been hitting the goddamn plague breeding first strike Chicoms with 30 new strains, and piles of Chinese have been infected and piles of them have been dying for months.


Meanwhile, in the biological weapon which keeps on giving. This virus actually triggers vaccines which were injected into dupes, and those viruses are the ones creating COVID 19 in that disease.


Pentagon study: Flu shot increases risk of coronavirus by 36%

"Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference…'vaccine derived' virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus…


Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Nuff Said





Anonymous ID: c9daf1 April 25, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.8925329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5339 >>5454 >>5611 >>5753



By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense



On March 12th, 2020, Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta held a global town hall on “Corona Facts and Fears.” During the discussion, Anderson said to the viewing audience, “And, again, if you are concerned about coronavirus, and you haven’t gotten a flu shot…you should get a flu shot.”


Setting safety and efficacy of influenza vaccination aside, is Anderson’s claim that the flu shot will help people fight COVID-19 remotely true? The short answer is no.


In fact, the results of many peer-reviewed, published studies prove that Anderson’s recommendation may have been the worst advice he could have given the public.


In searching the literature, the only study we have been able to find assessing flu shots and coronavirus is a 2020 US Pentagon study that found that the flu shot INCREASES the risks from coronavirus by 36%. “Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as “virus interference…’vaccine derived’ virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus…” Here are the findings:

Anonymous ID: c9daf1 April 25, 2020, 10:20 p.m. No.8925350   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Even more published science

The well-respected Cochrane Collaboration’s comprehensive 2010 meta-analysis of published influenza vaccine studies found that the influenza vaccination has “no effect” on hospitalization, and that there is “no evidence that vaccines prevent viral transmission or complications.” The Cochrane Researchers concluded that the scientific evidence “seem[s] to discourage the utilization of vaccination against influenza in healthy adults as a routine public health measure.”


In their meta-analysis, the Cochrane researchers accused the CDC of deliberately misrepresenting the science in order to support their universal influenza vaccination recommendation. Nevertheless, CNN and other mainstream media outlets continually broadcast CDC pronouncements as gospel and, ironically, ridicules those of us who actually read the science as “purveyors of ‘vaccine misinformation”.