Looks like you triggered the poor buggers, Anon. Good work! >>892780
she might as well be. I wonder how long they would parade around a body double after the original dies. She collapses, then comes strutting out 30 minutes later without an SS detail, cmon.
Correct, Anon. They were adrenochrome addicts just like the current Satanist. Same religion brought to them by the "snake gods." All the human sacrifice "blood lust" relates back to adrenochrome. Even an Auto da fe puts enough of it into the air to make the observers want it done again.
Be sure this gets baked into the bread so that Q can say something if that is it!
I have been asking about this too. He hasn't commented though
Q, can you confirm this?
I am not sure I agree, Anon. having read the Book of Enoch, as Christ and his disciples did, it seems that Angels could develop many corporial representations (They spoke with many tongues - they took on many forms). They reproduced with human women and created giants. Then the fallen ones discovered they could not cross back over to the spiritual/heavenly/quantum realm and begged Enoch to intercede with YHWH on their behalf. It also says in the NT that some of us have entertained angels unaware while doing good to strangers. Now demons and evil spirits do not have bodies, but angels may.
I had a friend in Texas with 5 gay male friends. Guess how many of them were molested as little boys. If you guessed 5 you would be correct. Gay is something we made up, once you realize you can let another guy get your rocks off, its just another avenue that's open to you. Choosing to do it is all about your choice. There are plenty of guys who will let another dude suck them off if there are not any girls around. The only way you will ever find a "sexually compatible" partner is same sex, because men and women are so different. Same sex relationships are normal, if they were not, we would not have to teach people to avoid them, but they are not God's plan for men and women. There is a lot of anger and misogyny in gay men. "please don't tell me you are one of these guys that's lettin' it all go to waste on a woman?" Human sexuality is very flexible, and we do have a certain say in how we shape ours, even if we can't help how we feel about it at any given moment. Those 5 boys are not going to stop feeling it for men any more than I am going to stop being attracted to every good looking woman between the ages of 16 and 50, but we all have to make our choices.
He's tippy top tippy top at it.
The great awakening is not about having fixed politically correct ideas about things, friend. Homosexuality was classified as a sexual disfunction by the Psychological Community until 1) new research came out 2) the gay community make a huge political lobby in the 1970s.
The answer is of course number 2. We respect your opinions here, but please don't represent them as those of the Great Awakening. The GA will indeed be about revisiting "science" that is in fact based on political lobbying.