Stage 4 Breast Cancer Treated with UV Light, Ozone Therapy, and Chemo
To put all of this information into a local perspective, I will leave you with a message from a professor you may be familiar with. I asked Professor Magda Havas (an expert on the effects of environmental pollution) for her views on the dangers of ultraviolet light. Here is a synopsis of her reply (find her full commentary in the Letters to Editor section on page 50): “I was taught that both ozone and ultraviolet light were harmful to humans and should be avoided as much as possible, and this is what I taught my students as well. However, new information is now available that causes us to question these concepts. While I still believe these two agents are harmful, there are exceptions and the complete story is more complex than I had originally assumed. Three years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer that metastasized to my lymph nodes and lungs, resulting in Stage 4 breast cancer that was considered fatal. While I did ultimately agree to chemotherapy, I also incorporated a number of complementary practices into my healthcare treatment. Two of those practices involved daily Narrowband UVB 311 nm exposures at home and a series of intravenous ozone injections at a doctor’s clinic.”