Anonymous ID: 465032 April 26, 2020, 4:39 p.m. No.8931649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1710 >>1727 >>1767 >>1831 >>1938 >>2072

New Jersey Public School Teacher Caught on Camera Telling Students She Hopes They Die From Coronavirus For Playing Outside


A math teacher at Steinert High School in New Jersey was caught on camera telling students who were playing football in the park that they should “die a long, painful death” from the coronavirus.


The woman in the video, Nicole Griggs, has been a teacher in the district for the last 15 years.


One of the students that the unhinged teacher confronted told the Trentonian that they were playing football on Thursday at the former Homedell School when the incident took place. They captured video of her confrontation and posted it to Snapchat and TikTok with the caption “Y’all Mrs Griggs is losing her damn mind how tf is she a teacher #coronavirus.”


Griggs began by warning them that they could get in trouble being out, but as she became more aggressive, she told the kids that she doesn’t care if her meltdown is posted online.


“Parks closed. The whole area,” Griggs says. “Get it through your thick head. You are the reason we are in this situation. You are the problem, not the solution. Go ahead keep recording. Who are you going to show it to? Post me on social media. You’re the idiot doing the wrong thing. I’m just trying to save your ass and save your life. But die, OK. I hope both of you get the coronavirus. I hope you both die a long, painful death.”


The students agreed they shouldn’t have been out, and went home afterwards, but were shocked by the teacher’s words.


“When she said that, I was shocked,” the Steinert student said. “I didn’t know someone would say something like that, especially a teacher. She should be smarter with her words.”


The Trentonian reports that this isn’t the first time Griggs has wished death on people for not following the social distancing orders. They uncovered an April 6 post on Facebook by a woman named “Nikki Leigh” that appears to be an alias for Griggs.

Anonymous ID: 465032 April 26, 2020, 4:58 p.m. No.8931829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1840

Pompeo Renews US Waiver for Iraq to Import Electricity From Iran for 30 Days


Following the 2018 unilateral withdrawal of the US from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and the reimposition of sanctions against Iran, Washington has been issuing special waivers that permit some countries and companies to conduct business with Tehran.


The US Department of State has extended a waiver for Iraq to continue receiving Iranian electricity for 30 days, a time significantly shorter than previous exemptions that varied from 90 to 120 days, Reuters reported on Sunday, citing an unnamed US State Department official.


“The Secretary granted this brief extension of the waiver to allow time for the formation of a credible government,” the official said, referring to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to the outlet.


The official reportedly said that the waiver would expire on 26 May, noting that the Trump administration would reassess renewing the exemption again once a “credible government” is formed in the Middle Eastern country.


On 9 April, Iraqi President Barham Saleh named intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi as the country’s prime minister-designate, following the resignation of the previous prime minister, Adnan al-Zurfi.


The nomination of Mustafa al-Kadhimi, Iraq’s intelligence chief since 2016, as prime minister, will be Iraq’s third attempt in 10 weeks to break a political deadlock that has lasted since former Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi resigned in the wake of violent anti-government protests in December 2019.


“Once that a government is in place, the Secretary will reassess whether to renew the waiver and for how long, and looks forward to resuming our cooperation with the Government of Iraq to reduce Iraq’s dependence on unreliable Iranian energy imports,” the State Department official said.


The official noted that the new permission applied only to electricity supplies. He said that Baghdad should refer to the US Treasury Department for transactions related to Iranian natural gas imports.


As Iran is under US economic sanctions, Iraq has been obligated to obtain Washington's permission for importing crucial Iranian power supplies in order to avoid falling under US sanctions over its dealings with Tehran.


Relations between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran deteriorated after US President Donald Trump in 2018 unilaterally pulled Washington out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in May 2018 and reimposed harsh economic sanctions against Tehan.


Relations deteriorated further following the targeted assassination of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani by a US drone strike in Baghdad on 3 January 2020.–report/

Anonymous ID: 465032 April 26, 2020, 5:01 p.m. No.8931853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1875 >>2028




hand similar at the market I was inspecting garlic bulbs and he said "your not supposed to touch anything" by now I'm fucking over it. I said the virus is in your head not mine bought my garlic and left!

Anonymous ID: 465032 April 26, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.8931863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1918 >>1938 >>2072

"China Did A Lot Of Things Right": Bill Gates Defends CCP, Slams America Over Handling Of Coronavirus


Bill Gates vehemently defended China's initial response to the coronavirus outbreak on Sunday, telling CNN's Fareed Zakaria that the communist country - which silenced whistleblowers and lied about transmissibility - "did a lot of things right."


"How would you respond to the charge that hte Chinese covered this up. They've essentially deceived the rest of the world, and as a result, they should be held in some way responsible for this?" asked Zakaria.


To which Gates responded: "Well, I don't think that's a timely thing because it doesn't affect how we act today. You know, China did a lot of things right. At the beginning, like any country where a virus first shows up, they can look back and say that they missed some things," Gates said, adding "Some countries did respond very quickly and get their testing in place, and they avoided the incredible economic pain - and it's sad that even the US that you would have expected to do this well, did it particularly poorly - but it's not time to talk about that."


Gates then suggested that this is the time "to take the great science we have, the fact that we're in this together, fix testing and treatments and get that vaccine, and minimize the trillions in dollars and many things that you can't even dimensionalize in economic terms that are awful about the situation that we're in.


"That's a distraction," Gates added, regarding placing the blame on China. "I think there's a lot of incorrect and unfair things said."



We wonder why Bill Gates - one of the largest donors to the World Health Organization - is similarly defending China, which is also one of the WHO's largest contributors.

Anonymous ID: 465032 April 26, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.8931892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1906 >>1910 >>1936 >>1938 >>1939 >>1977 >>1993 >>2072 >>2093

BOMBSHELL: Uncovered Video Reveals Stacey Abrams Plotting Racist Use of Re-Districting to Stop ‘White’ People From Governing


Video of former Democrat legislator and gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams plotting to use re-districting to “stop white people” from governing has been uncovered.


Abrams is being pushed as a possible Vice Presidential candidate for Joe Biden.


The 2014 video, uncovered by Patrick Howley at the National File, reveals her plan to change the racial demographics of the electorate heading into the 2021 congressional and legislative re-districting efforts based on the 2020 Census.


The comments were made at the 2014 Power PAC + National Conference, titled “Race Will Win the Race: The Progressive Path to Victory.”



“My eye is on 2021. Because when we do re-districting in 2021, if we have not changed the electorate, especially in the South, we will have a majority minority population that is governed by a minority white conservative coalition. And that’s the most dangerous precedent that we can possibly set for the South in the next 20 years,” Abrams said.


Howley has become quite the powerhouse when it comes to digging up the goods on far left politicians. He made massive waves when he uncovered the blackface yearbook photos of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam.


Speaking to Gateway Pundit, Howley said that he has collected troves of data on all enemies of President Donald Trump.


“I have spent several years extensively collecting data on all of the President’s enemies, stockpiling it like canned goods for the time that is now upon us. It will only get worse for them as the election goes on,” Howley said. “This clip proves once and for all that Democrat demographic politics are in motion. It’s not a conspiracy theory. The Left is weaponizing race for cynical electoral gain, and the Republican Establishment needs to stop looking over their press clippings and scheduling their CNN hits and live in the cold reality confronting us.”

Anonymous ID: 465032 April 26, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.8931937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1993 CNN Clip of Biden Accuser’s Mother Calling Larry King Vanishes from Google Play Catalog


A clip from a 1993 episode of CNN’s Larry King Live featuring the mother of Biden accuser Tara Reade has seemingly been removed from the Google Play catalog.


The clip is an important piece of information in Reade’s allegation that Biden sexually assaulted her in the same year, as it supports her claim that she told her mother about the incident. In the clip, Reade’s mother appears to be discussing an incident involving her senator and her daughter, without naming either.


The clip can be found on Twitter:


Reade’s mother passed away in 2016, but Reade has confirmed to multiple media organizations that she recognizes the voice of the woman speaking to King as her mother. CNN claims it cannot corroborate that the person in the clip is Reade’s mother.


Fox News confirmed that the August 11, 1993 episode of Larry King Live appears to have vanished from the Google Play catalog.


Via Fox:


Twitter user J.L. Hamilton shared a screenshot showing the Aug. 11, 1993, broadcast of “Larry King Live” was no longer listed in the season three catalog of the iconic CNN talk show. Mysteriously, though, the Aug. 10 broadcast, which is listed as “Episode 154” is followed by the Aug. 12 broadcast, which is listed as “Episode 155,” suggesting that episode and the ones that follow could be incorrectly listed and off by a number.


Fox News later verified the Aug. 11 episode is not listed on the streaming service. It is unclear when it was removed from the catalog.


CNN spokesman Matt Dornic said the accusation that the clip had been taken down was “total BS,” adding that listings on the site are not sourced from the network.


“We do not have a distro deal for [Larry King Live] w/ Google play,” said Dornic. “Listings on the site are not sourced [through] CNN. True for [Fox News] programs too.”


Google has yet to respond to Breitbart News’ request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 465032 April 26, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.8931948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2118

Cuomo’s New York: Inmate Arrested for Rape Days After Release from Jail


An accused rapist released from Riker’s Island in New York due to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic was arrested for allegedly raping a woman in Brooklyn days later.


Robert Pondexter, 57-years-old, had been detained in jail on rape charges when he was released due the coronavirus pandemic. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) had ordered state prisons to release thousands of inmates to comply with social distancing guidelines.


According to the New York Post, Pondexter was walking on a sidewalk when he allegedly forced a 58-year-old woman into a school parking lot. Pondexter, according to law enforcement, allegedly made the woman perform oral sex on him, choked her, and attempted to rape her.


The woman was eventually able to kick Pondexter off of her. The attack occurred just 10 days after Pondexter had been released from Riker’s Island under Cuomo’s directives.


Now, Pondexter has been charged with rape, sexual abuse, and criminal possession of crack cocaine.


The Brooklyn District Attorney’s office told News 12 that Pondexter’s “parole hold was lifted and he was released after it was revealed in court that his case was going to be dismissed because the victims were not cooperative,” explaining his release from Riker’s Island 10 days before the alleged rape.


As of April 20, New York City had released more than 1,500 inmates from prisons due to the coronavirus even as some crime, such as car theft, has skyrocketed in the midst of Cuomo’s statewide stay-at-home orders.

Anonymous ID: 465032 April 26, 2020, 5:13 p.m. No.8931962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1979

Moar Bacon attacks, wonder who doesn't want us eating bacon???


Iowa Pig Farmers Face Euthanizing Thousands of Animals as Supply Chain Stalls


The spread of coronavirus at American meat packing plants, where many employees work in crowded conditions, has caused a bottleneck in the supply chain that has left pig farmers without access to processing plants to get their product from ranches to consumers. Now they want help from the federal government.


Farmers “will need help in a significant way,” Pat McGonegle, CEO of the Iowa Pork Producers Association, said in a DesMoines Register report, adding that unless the pigs can be processed that help may include destroying thousands of animals.


“The clock is ticking … it’s days not weeks,” McGonegle said.


The Register reported on the situation in Iowa, where an estimated 25 million pigs in the pipeline make it the state with the largest pork operations in America:


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) said late Friday that livestock and poultry producers face an “unprecedented emergency” after large processing plants have slowed or closed as more than 6,000 U.S. meatpacking workers have become ill or been exposed to the coronavirus.


The USDA said it would work with state officials and veterinarians to help farmers “identify potential alternative markets … and if necessary, advise and assist on depopulation and disposal methods.”


Mike Naig, Iowa’s agriculture secretary, said the state is asking USDA to help cover the losses that producers face if they’re forced to destroy and dispose of animals.


State officials said that as many as 40,000 pigs are not being processed daily, causing pork producers to lose as much as 40 percent of their production capacity.


This slows the supply chain as market-weight hogs aren’t sent for processing, while hundreds of new piglets arrive to be fed and fattened.


“Depopulation is a last resort for any farmer, but it may be necessary to prevent animal welfare issues,” Naig said in the Register report.


“Iowa producers have lost access to production at the Tyson plant in Waterloo, a Smithfield plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and a JBS plant in Worthington, Minnesota, both of which are across the state border. Other plants have closed and reopened, including the Tyson plant in Columbus Junction, which restarted this week,” the Register reported.