I've seen a few posts here and there about the hypothetical "Q" document that may have played a role in the development of the New Testament as we know it today. In researching the supposed Q gospel, please check further than the first two Google hits. There is a wide split in scholarly opinion about "Q", and whether it actually existed or not.
"Now we discover the truth: Q is the lever needed to pry the Christian faith out of its
biblical moorings. Not the gospels but Q must be faith’s new anchor, since Q is earlier than
the gospels and does not agree with them. Q settles the matter."
https:// biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/tj/q_linnemann.pdf
"…we have no copies of Q, no copies of portions of Q, no references to Q in any of the early Christian writings, no references to Q in any of the early non-Christian writings, no references to Q in any of the gospels or the writings of Paul or the other letters; in fact, no conclusive evidence whatsoever that Q ever existed."
http:// www.answers.org/bible/missing_q.html
I don't mean to slide; just found it fascinating that in this context, many would say the biblical Q is fake!