I would almost guarantee Horowitz recommended Trump and Sessions to fire Comey, Trump should interview with Mueller and give him the truth that he most likely already knows. Sessions, Rogers, Pompeo, etc. have all interviewed with Mueller, Trump is safe. Interview that man if he already hasn't, shit, Trump already interviewed him the day he was appointed Special Counsel. Probably Trump's idea all along, "Look Bob, I didn't do anything and Comey was crooked as fuck, do your little investigation, find out what really happened to Seth Rich, because quite frankly we know what happened Admiral Rogers has kept me up to date, but we need a parallel investigation that would be legal not just an NSA sweep. Get those servers from the DNC and find out what really happened. God bless you Bob and God bless the United States of America."
Witness = a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place = JA
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