>This all links back to the "Clothing Shop Network" (Wexner started L Brands: Limited, Gap, etc). this also connects in to the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" and the use of the Clothing Store.
Gallows for making me have to learn how to sew my own fucken clothes, Hitlary.
Warns there are real heretics blending in: they don't care about kids or justice, but about puttin cash in pocket. They preach separate gospels 'n sheeeit, they're anti-Catholics but really not Christians at all, will lie to face. Athiests/agnostics are safer than these heretics who want to line pockets and lead you to to H. I know one of them: he doxxed himself a few breads ago. Waited so I wouldn't dox self, but remember division is bad. Draw line at pedophilia and Satan-worship, not at some heretic's personal interpretation of Bible. They're probably not with (((them))) but just opportunists with big fat egos (and empty pockets) and yes, they sew discord and are stupid. I forgot all about them. Damn. You need to know history, but not fake history they peddle. Look up old books, originals; don't fall for dangerous divisive Western trends to make buck off private interpretations. To meet them in real life is to meet iceberg. Hussein's jihadists have more going for them.
> At least when Hussein's JV league bots blow up, they shut up.
Watch. Your soul's on the line.