Well Mr schill, think of it this way, the good guys were pretty sure they gimped the virus, but not totally sure. They even released a counter-virus, but models are iffy. Our guys knew this thing could travel on pollution particles, as the chinkey winkys stole it from someone who stole it from us. This shits been 30-40 years in the making, because nukes are very, very messy. Now, you dont know how far the un-weakend virus is going to go. You dont now how effective the counter-virus will be. So you go ahead and SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING. It gets you a couple things, time and datapoints, and letting the bad guys think you did not know it was coming. Playing dumb is good.
Now though, we have numbers coming out, they basically say the counter-virus worked.. we all had it anon. You, your made up guitar buddy, all you shill friends.
I'll give it a week before the numbers are held up high and pointed to, for the purpose of re-opening… UNLESS that two by sea thing is a major attack.
Either way, you, you shill friends, and your grandschilldren are going to be crying into your breakfast cereal for many, many, years to come.