Anonymous ID: 863eb3 April 27, 2020, 4:10 a.m. No.8935387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5393 >>5518 >>5736 >>5780 >>5842 >>5977 >>6032

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un sends thanks amid speculation

about his health

by Jamie McIntyre

April 27, 2020 07:03 AM


"ALIVE AND WELL? North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who has not been seen in public for two weeks, has reportedly sent a message of gratitude to workers building one of his pet construction projects aimed at boosting tourism in the country.


“Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un sent thanks to the officials and working people for having rendered sincere assistance to the Wonsan Kalma coastal tourist area under construction,” said Rodong Sinmun, North Korea’s main state-run newspaper Monday.


The report is the first word from Pyongyang since unconfirmed reports last week suggested that Kim might be in grave condition following heart surgery that, according to some reports, left him “brain dead” or in “a vegetative state.”


An adviser to South Korean President Moon Jae-in told Fox News yesterday that the rumors were unfounded. "Our government position is firm," said Moon Chung-in. “Kim Jong Un is alive and well. He has been staying in the Wonsan area since April 13. No suspicious movements have so far been detected.”"



Anonymous ID: 863eb3 April 27, 2020, 4:15 a.m. No.8935396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5411

Boris Johnson warns against relaxing UK lockdown as he

returns to work after battle with coronavirus

By Zamira Rahim, CNN

Updated 6:43 AM ET, Mon April 27, 2020

London (CNN)Boris Johnson is back.


"The first world leader known to have had coronavirus is now leading his nation's response to it, and in a speech outside 10 Downing Street, the British Prime Minister had a clear message: Don't give up on the lockdown yet.

In his first remarks after returning to work Monday, Johnson acknowledged that the restrictions were hard to bear and risked taking a heavy toll on the economy.

But he warned that the UK was at "the moment of maximum risk" and suggested restrictions would need to remain in place for the time being in to avoid a second peak of infection. The UK's lockdown measures are due to be reviewed again by May 7.

Johnson struck a characteristically upbeat tone in his address, drawing on his own brush with the virus to offer a message of hope to a country which has endured at least 20,000 deaths from the virus and where the government has faced heavy criticism for its early response."



Anonymous ID: 863eb3 April 27, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.8935423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5430 >>5518 >>5678 >>5736 >>5842 >>6032

Nursing home industry pushes for immunity from lawsuits

during coronavirus emergency

As the death toll climbs, the nursing home industry is asking

states for immunity from lawsuits for owners and employees

of the nation's 15,600 facilities.

April 27, 2020, 6:00 AM EDT

By Laura Strickler and Adiel Kaplan


"As the COVID-19 death toll at nursing homes climbs to nearly 12,000, the nursing home industry is pushing states to provide immunity from lawsuits to the owners and employees of the nation's 15,600 nursing homes.


So far at least six states have provided explicit immunity from coronavirus lawsuits for nursing homes, and six more have granted some form of immunity to health care providers, which legal experts say could likely be interpreted to include nursing homes.


Patient advocates worry that nursing homes accused of extreme neglect could avoid liability.


"I can't even believe this is a topic of discussion," said Anny Figueroa, whose 55-year-old mother was a resident at Andover Subacute & Rehab Center in New Jersey, where law enforcement discovered 17 bodies in a makeshift morgue this month. The nursing home is under investigation by the state attorney general.


Figueroa said her family was kept in the dark about her mother's coronavirus diagnosis, forcing her to demand that she be transferred to a hospital, where she is now in intensive care. Figueroa said she fears immunity will let facilities like Andover "continue to neglect and abuse these helpless individuals because now they are not liable.""



fuck them and fuck that

Anonymous ID: 863eb3 April 27, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.8935456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5475 >>5477 >>5490 >>5832

Doctors: Bleach and misinformation are not coronavirus

cures. They can be fatal.

Dr. Akash Goel and Dr. Anthony ChoiOpinion contributors

3:15 am


"The coronavirus is a real threat. But so is misinformation like President Trump's suggestion that injecting household cleaners could be a cure.


In our work as gastroenterologists, there are a few types of medical cases we never forget. One is caustic injury to the esophagus caused by ingestion of household bleach or cleaning detergent. As our job involves looking inside the body with a camera, here is the view from the inside: The detergent causes liquefactive necrosis, which literally burns through the layers of the esophagus. In the worst of cases, the damage can perforate the lining of the esophagus, leading to sepsis and death.


There were roughly 200,000 such ingestions in the United States in 2012, according to the U.S. National Poison Data System. They are medical emergencies and are responsible for considerable morbidity.


These substances are unequivocally toxic. We were aghast to hear the president touting injections of them as a possible treatment or cure for COVID-19 last week. Many traditionally look to White House briefings to be purveyors of truth, held to the highest standards. The day after Trump’s briefing, calls to New York's Poison Control Center about toxic exposure to household chemicals more than doubled over the same window last year. Calls surged in Maryland and Michigan as well."


moar hit piece:

two doctors pepe impressed

Anonymous ID: 863eb3 April 27, 2020, 4:37 a.m. No.8935474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5571

Editorial: Senate report validates concerns about Russians’

election interference

Chronicle Editorial Board April 27, 2020


"The U.S. intelligence community assessment that Russia conducted a sophisticated campaign to boost Donald Trump’s candidacy in the 2016 presidential election has received significant validation in a 158-page report that was endorsed unanimously by the Senate Intelligence Committee.


No report, no matter how thorough or bipartisan as this one, may stop the president from assailing the investigation as a “witch hunt” orchestrated by a “deep state” determined to delegitimize his presidency. Even Sunday, with the nation battling a pandemic that has claimed more than 50,000 lives, Trump was tweeting out a blast at “reporters” (his quote marks) who had received “Noble Prizes for their work on Russia, Russia, Russia, only to have been proven totally wrong (and, in fact, it was the other side who committed the crimes).”


One can only assume he meant Pulitzer Prizes — not “Noble Prizes” — but that was not even close to his most consequential fact error of the week (see: Lysol). So we’ll let that one go."



Anonymous ID: 863eb3 April 27, 2020, 4:43 a.m. No.8935499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5510

Why Are We So Hooked on Conspiracy Theories and


By Irfan Husain

April 25, 2020


"EVERY time there’s a manmade or natural global crisis, thousands of people pop out of the woodwork to claim that it was caused by dark, inimical forces.


For example, if you type “9/11 conspiracy theories” into Google, you will get over four million results. It seems that many have little to do but cook up bizarre explanations for obvious events.


My favourite 9/11 conspiracy theory is the one recounted by a highly educated and well-travelled Sri Lankan friend who claimed that the Japanese were behind the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon. “Why the Japanese?” I asked, slightly bemused. “To avenge themselves for the atomic bombs dropped by the Americans on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.”

Another jaw-dropping claim was made at a dinner party in London soon after the 2004 tsunami. As a dozen guests expressed their sorrow over the lives lost in many Asian countries, one person I had never met said loudly: “I hope you don’t believe the tsunami was a natural event!"


He went on to educate us about an American experiment to control the weather by exploding nuclear devices off the Indonesian coast. These blasts caused tectonic plates to be displaced, thereby triggering the killer tsunami.


In most such events, our departure from the true path laid down by our Maker is invoked as a reason. After the tsunami struck, clerics across the Muslim world talked about the “adultery, drinking and fornication” that went on to celebrate Christmas to explain the wrath of God.


And now, we have the Covid-19 pandemic that is roiling economies and societies across the world. Social distancing and lockdowns have brought life to a standstill."



worldwide awakening keks or a bit of both?

Anonymous ID: 863eb3 April 27, 2020, 4:51 a.m. No.8935541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5563


fame fags all day long here, are you new?


have you never seen an anon lose it?

how odd since what most anons understand would put 99% into the hospital

and oh

imagine if an anon was right about something

you know, they might feel prideful


imagine if some not so anon anon were wrong and knowingly passed on false info for nefarious purposes?

that would be some shit huh?


NR has many enemies kek


imagine if the same crew took over each and every day here, that would be some shit huh?