I had to be update this again, because my original post done on a mobile had the wrong words, that were crucial parts, and since then I noticed a typo or two. I’m kind of OCD for that kind of thing. Don't you just love auto-correct? Sorry I couldn't include the comment, well it wasn't worth the time from some Moran, calling me mr. schill! Fucking idiot can't even spell shill! Shills feel free to attack me, because that further convinces me that I am “over target.” (Not to mention exposes you douchebags. Sorry for wasting a little more bread space, but I felt compelled.
Anons, I have no sauce for this currently, but will follow up on that part, so for now this remains a theory.
I was speaking with long time friend that I hadn't spoken much to in the last few years. I had no idea of his political views, as our mutual interest when I lived in Newport Beach consisted of drinking and shooting pool in local bars, and music, specifically electric guitars. He is an excellent guitar player, and used to play in various local clubs with different bands.
Knows some of the members of Social D. who live local, and has worked with them. Saw his rack of Strats that he would get from Fender discounted. One was a duplicate of one Eric Clapton owned, but he paid thousands less for it. Anyway I wanted his opinion on a guitar maker out of Indonesia that I've been looking into named Harley Benton. He returned my text with a phone call, and said yeah man, great quality for the money, I don't think they have a model over $300.
After that we were discussing the craziness surrounding the whole Corona deal when he asks out of the blue, do you know a anyone who caught Corona or died from it? I said no, do you? He said, I think the whole thing is entirely made up, doesn't even exist. He knew some guy whose older sister allegedly had it. She had all sorts of existing medical conditions, and said it felt like her back was broken, and she recovered. Sounds more like Spinal Meningitis to me.
He then asks me, what do you think is going on? I said without hesitation waiting to be ridiculed, I think it's an organized effort to crash the economy World-Wide to get rid of DJT in the WH, and get the Democrats back into power. He replies, exactly!
So I just started thinking like us autists do, what if it is really ALL just a total psych-op? What if GEOTUS knows this and just plays along, using it as a decoy while Durham and others are continuing DS investigations, and possibly who is behind the CV-19 psych-op, meaning which DS'ers? He might already know, because "they have it all," but waiting for those fucks to hang themselves over THIS. Also, if it wasn't for this whole circus, the House, Pelosi and Schiff would be pushing muh impeachment 2.0. They really believe that this is THEIR BLOCK of what is coming. Sorry faggots, but the Patriots have turned the tables on YOU!
Wouldn't people be pissed off to no end to find out that they'd lost jobs, money, and assets, not to mention lockdowns for months, graduation ceremonies, can't have weddings, can't go to their own fucking relatives funerals, all put forth for Political Purposes??? Wouldn't that be the final nail in the coffin for the Demoncrats if found to be connected to an itsy-bitsy spider named Barry Soetero, aka, Hussein? Wouldn't all of the dumb asses who allegedly said in a poll he's the greatest living President, suddenly have a "come to Jesus moment?"
All anybody really knows about what people caught, and what people have died of is ALL dependent on what experts and doctors say. What if they are all paid off to lie about it, and it was really just regular influenza all along, but a strain that was a little different? We know the DS fucks have the money and connections to possibly pull that off, or at least ATTEMPT to!
Something to maybe dig on, and seriously consider.